Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Myth and The Facts about Ayurveda

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today i am going to tell you something very different topic.

People says,

1. If we gone for Ayurveda treatment we must do it repeatedly every year without fail - (wrong)

   No, not a must,if you can do it, it is better to stay healthy for many years devoid of such kind of illnesses.

 At least if we can do three consecutive years, the effect of the treatment may last for another 10- 15 years.

I am telling about the cleansing therapy(panchakarma). 

Ayurveda cleanse and rejuvenate the body and help to stay healthy but not treating any disease.

 Once our body and mind become healthy the disease is no more.

 It helps to prevent the ailments.

 There are ways to treat the diseased conditions.

Ayurveda describes about the body types,day to today routines according to the body type as well as the seasonal changes which influencing the physiology of our body.

2. There is a belief that while taking Ayurveda medication we should not use non-veg food stuff - (wrong).

Here also need a briefing, Ayurveda medicines are of herbal origin 99%. 

So it is very weak in potency. 

It wont work fast and strong as the chemical combinations do.

 So we have to provide an ideal condition in order to work the medicines faster and effective. 

We have to consider the severity of the illness,body type of the patient,strength of the mind and body,age,gender,other associated complications of the patient and also the seasonal influence on the body.

 Say,for example,an over weight patient taking medication to reduce the weight at the same time he or she taking the food and lifestyle which will gain the weight then it wont work.

 Not only that,in Ayurveda we prescribes the herbal concoctions,it has to digest and absorb completely then only it will show the results.

 We ate a stomach full heavy meal with lot of fried items,sweets,meat,puddings and deserts then on top taking this 15 ml herbal concoction - how it is going to digest and absorb perfectly?

3. Another wrong belief is that Ayurveda medicines contains metals.

In Ayurveda,mainly using the herbs only but the science also explained that in case of non availability of the herbs we can substitute with certain metallic preparations after  the proper purification.

 But in south India all these herbs are still available in plenty.

 In case when we use the metals,it must be properly purified.

On the other side,there may be some of the product came out without the proper purification and without monitoring. 

Not only that many of the herbs contains the traces of minerals and metals naturally.

 And in some cases rarely found even the contents similar in sedative drugs. 

Many of the herbal extracts using in the chemical medications also.

But still we need not bother about it as it is very very little when compare to steroids and other strong chemical medications.

Ayurveda herbal medications is harmless and have no side effects.

 That is the beauty of this medical branch. The word "ayu"means life and "veda" means the science. Ayurveda is the science of life.

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