Monday 31 March 2014

Wind (Vatha) aggravating food items

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Here is a list of food items which aggravating the Wind Element (vatha) in the body.

Generally all the root tubers except Carrot.

Say,Beetroot,Tapioca,Potatoes,Sweet Potatoes etc.

Then yellow Dal,Green peas,Groundnuts etc.

Cabbage,Broccoli,Pumpkin also do the same.

If we took the cold items especially after dinner it will delays the digestion as a result of sluggish production of digestive enzymes and acids hence resulting the gas problem,indigestion etc which leads to bloating,burping acidity etc.

All these are the symptoms of elevated vatha dosha(wind element).

So people all suffering the diseases due to aggravated wind element like Rheumatism,Arthritis,Acidity,Sneezing,asthma,stiffness of joints,spondylitis, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia,constipation,piles etc should avoid the above said food items.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

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