Monday 29 December 2014

Kidney Stone - Simple Tips

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we discuss about a commonly seen problem Urinary Calculus or Kidney stone.

 In Ayurveda texts it is explained as the ‘Moothrasmari’ in Sanskrit term.

 It is differentiating according to the site where it is located,the size,shape and the sediment stuff.

Usually seen in people where they were in a more dehydrating area.
 People who works out side especially in hot weather and high temperature areas.

 People who all working long hours and not particular about to drink sufficient quantity of water then there is chance to get this issue very easily.

Once you found the calculus,then it is better to avoid taking tomatoes,cabbage,brinjal and items which is having more calcium content.

They should take plenty of water in a day,on an average drink 3-4 Ltr water daily till the calculus diminishes.
The general symptoms are as follows; mild fever,burning sensation while passing urine,low urine out put and pain in lower abdomen,blood tint in the urine,lower back ache some time pain on the hip area.

You can confirm with a Sonography test on stomach.

Simple Tips to control the symptoms;

Drink one tender coconut water daily, take more horse gram,tender inner stem of palatine is also good- you can take as curry or squeeze and drink the juice early morning in empty stomach.
 Add more drumstick plant leaf in curry.

One whole cardamom with seeds and husk just crush it a put it in a tender coconut for 5 hours then chew the cardamom and drink the tender coconut water.

Take 20 gms of tender leaves paste of the plant ‘vitex nigundo’ (karinochi) early morning in empty stomach.

Prepare a concoction with Drumstick plant root and to be taken twice daily before food.

In advanced conditions with severe symptoms surgical removal is necessary.

For further information contact your Ayurveda Physician.

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Sunday 28 December 2014

Benefits of Ginger Coffee

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will discuss about the Benefits of Ginger Coffee.

Benefits of Ginger coffee.

The Ingredients are;

Dry ginger,
Cumin seeds,
Tulsi Leaves,

5gms each add ¼ teaspoon of coffee powder boil with 300 ml water for 10 min, filter drink warm frequently gulp by gulp it will ease running nose,cough,chillness and fever.
 Promotes appetite too.

Diabetic Patients can avoid jagary.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs.


Tuesday 23 December 2014

Diabetes - Tips to Control

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will discuss about some simple single drug remedies and Tips for Diabetic patients.

1.Dried powder of Turmeric and Gooseberry  mix it in 1:9 proportion,keep it in a dried glass vessel. 10 gms of this powder mix with 60 ml hot water to be taken half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

2.Bitter god juice 100 ml to be taken 2hours after breakfast or half an hour before lunch.

3.15ml juice of Tinspora Cordifolia juice (chitamruth) mix with half teaspoon turmeric powder to be taken early morning in empty stomach.

4.Bark of Zyzigium Jumbolanum (Jumbool fruit tree) 30 gms boil in 2Ltr water, boil and reduce to 1.5 Ltr, filter it and use for Drinking during the day.

5. Diabetic patients should not take Curd.

6.Half an hour brisk walking desirable.

7.Yoga and meditation to calm the mind gives remarkable improvements.

8.Practice the ‘Vajrasanam’ daily.

Dear all that's all for today.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.


Saturday 20 December 2014

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: Single Drug Remedies - "Kantakari" Solanum Xantho...

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: Single Drug Remedies - "Kantakari" Solanum Xantho...:                                                            (Solanum Xanthocarpum Plant) Botanical Name: Solanum Xanthocarpum Sanskrit ...

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: Panchakarma Therapy - Dos and Don'ts

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: Panchakarma Therapy - Dos and Don'ts: Hello friends,  Today we going to discuss about the Dos and Don'ts during the Panchakarma Therapies. Panchakarma therapies are playing...

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: How to apply the oil on the body and why?

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: How to apply the oil on the body and why?: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Today we will brief about the need of oil bath and how it has to do. It is a common confusion in mos...

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: The Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Manifesting the...

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: The Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Manifesting the...: Hi Readers,                    Do you ever thought about the role of diet and lifestyle on the diseases.                   Ayurvedic Bas...

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Facts about Diabetes (Prameham)

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we check some general notes on Diabetes Melitus (Prameham).

According to Ayurveda there are twenty types of prameham;

10 caused by deranged kapha

6 caused by pitha and

4 by vatha.

The first can 10 types be treated,
6 can be maintained by diet and lifestyle,
4 cannot be cured at all.

In ayurveda it recommends proper diet and lifestyle adjustment for balancing the blood sugar level.

 And also enhancing the proper functioning of pancreas.

During first stage of the treatment we should avoid the sweat taste completely. 

And take less calorie value and less starch contained food items.

There is restrictions for fruits too.

But Jambool fruit(Zyzygium Jumbolanum) is the best and has got the medicinal value too. 

Apples,guava,mangoes,papaya etc can be taken moderately.

In general fruits can be taken in semi ripened form.

Thank you for reading and Sharing my Blogs.


Monday 15 December 2014

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: Importance of laxatives in Ayurveda treatment

Ayurveda -The Way of Life;Dr.T.L.Xavier BAMS: Importance of laxatives in Ayurveda treatment: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Importance of laxatives in Ayurveda treatment; In most of the Ayurveda prescriptions will have...

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Say 'No' to Pickles in your daily menu. Why?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Pickle is a common item for a good Meal. It is quiet common especially in south Indian Lunch menu.
The major ingredients are Sesame oil,Red Chilly,Salt,Mango or Lemon slices etc.

 It is essential because it adds the taste of the meal,enhance the production of digestive enzymes,so it will promote good appetite.

 And it induces the taste buds too. So we will have a nicely enjoyable meal with pickle.

But in certain diseased condition it is not good; Acidity,stomach ulcers,Belching,Chest burn,Skin diseases,Arthritis and Obesity.

In Acidity and Ulcer condition when take pickle it will enhance the production of digestive enzymes and acids hence it will aggravates the illness.

In case of Skin diseases; according to ayurveda skin diseases occurs due to the vitiation of the blood. The pungent,salty and sour tastes will aggravates the vitiation of the blood and it is not good for the skin diseases.

In the Arthritis cases also the blood (Raktha Dhathu) is vitiating so we should avoid Pickle.

In Obesity condition; as the pickle enhance the gastric juice secretion and promotes good appetite,we will tend to eat more and more which leads to the weight gaining again.

So in the above mentioned conditions it is better to avoid the Pickles in your daily menu.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs.