Showing posts with label Miabetis Melitas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miabetis Melitas. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 December 2014

Diabetes - Tips to Control

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will discuss about some simple single drug remedies and Tips for Diabetic patients.

1.Dried powder of Turmeric and Gooseberry  mix it in 1:9 proportion,keep it in a dried glass vessel. 10 gms of this powder mix with 60 ml hot water to be taken half an hour before breakfast and dinner.

2.Bitter god juice 100 ml to be taken 2hours after breakfast or half an hour before lunch.

3.15ml juice of Tinspora Cordifolia juice (chitamruth) mix with half teaspoon turmeric powder to be taken early morning in empty stomach.

4.Bark of Zyzigium Jumbolanum (Jumbool fruit tree) 30 gms boil in 2Ltr water, boil and reduce to 1.5 Ltr, filter it and use for Drinking during the day.

5. Diabetic patients should not take Curd.

6.Half an hour brisk walking desirable.

7.Yoga and meditation to calm the mind gives remarkable improvements.

8.Practice the ‘Vajrasanam’ daily.

Dear all that's all for today.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.