Showing posts with label DM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DM. Show all posts

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Facts about Diabetes (Prameham)

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we check some general notes on Diabetes Melitus (Prameham).

According to Ayurveda there are twenty types of prameham;

10 caused by deranged kapha

6 caused by pitha and

4 by vatha.

The first can 10 types be treated,
6 can be maintained by diet and lifestyle,
4 cannot be cured at all.

In ayurveda it recommends proper diet and lifestyle adjustment for balancing the blood sugar level.

 And also enhancing the proper functioning of pancreas.

During first stage of the treatment we should avoid the sweat taste completely. 

And take less calorie value and less starch contained food items.

There is restrictions for fruits too.

But Jambool fruit(Zyzygium Jumbolanum) is the best and has got the medicinal value too. 

Apples,guava,mangoes,papaya etc can be taken moderately.

In general fruits can be taken in semi ripened form.

Thank you for reading and Sharing my Blogs.