Tuesday 9 September 2014

Caring Newborn Baby in Ayurveda

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Ayurveda The Science of Life explained in eight branches.

 They are General Medicine,Pediatrics,Psychiatry,ENT,Surgery,Toxicology,Geriatrics and Rejuvenation.

Pediatrics (Balachikitsa) It is very well explained in Ayurveda texts.

The procedures for caring the  new born baby right after the the birth,care for the Mother,treatments for illnesses due to the impure breast milk,feeding and food for the infant at different periods,the methods and information to handle a new born baby.

 These are the main topics included in the branch called “kaumarabrithyam” in ancient Sanskrit texts which is known as Pediatrics.

In these chapters explained the stages upto the age of Two. Then onward upto 12 years the period is called “Balya”

Ayurveda texts tells that a pregnant lady who taken care and very well followed the stage by stage diet lifestyle medication and other routines in every month during the pregnancy will have a normal delivery of a healthy baby.

 Which is explained in the chapters called “Garbhini Paricharanam”.

The Mental and Physical changes during the pregnancy,the Diet,Lifestyle,the routine tests,medication etc.. are very well detailed in ancient Ayurveda texts 5000 years back itself.

The following factors affecting the growth of the baby in Mother’s womb.

 The Diet,Lifestyle,Mental stress,hypertension,anemia,cardiac problems,kidney diseases,Viral infections during the pregnancy will affect the growth of the baby. 

Medication for Thyroid and Diabetes also affecting the baby badly. 

The genetic factors like intellectual power and physical appearance will form in the mother’s womb itself. 

The baby boy will have more length and body weight than baby girl during pregnancy.

We will have the details in coming blogs. Thanks for Reading and Sharing.


Wednesday 3 September 2014


                                                                      (Grape Plant)

Botanical Name: Vitis Vinifera
Sanskrit Name:   Draksha
English Name:    Grapes
Malayalam Name: Munthiri
Parts Used: Fruits fresh and Dried.

Laxative,Diuretic and Cooling the body. And also a very good blood purifier.
It is one among the chief content in "Draksharishtam" "Drakshadi Kashayam" and "Drakshadi leham" among the ayurvedic medicines.
It is useful in anemia,dyspepsia and disuria. 

It is very good effective for the constipation in infants during the teething etc. Give one teaspoon grape juice morning and evening will work.
It is suggested as an expectorant when take with other ayurvedic herbs. Also used to treat jaundice along with other medications depending upon the condition.
For further clarification contact your ayurveda physician.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.
Best Regards.

Friday 29 August 2014

Arecanut Plant

                                                                   (Arecanut Plant)

Botanical Name: Areca Catechu   
Family Name: Arecaceae
Malayalam Name; Adacka
English name: Arecanut
Useful Part: Roots and Seeds

Arecanut can be used for preparing medicines - Diabetes,Skin Diseases,Asthma,And Blood pressure. 
Some of the ayurveda wormicidal medicines contains arecanut extracts.
It cures the intestinal worms.
The Leaf juice boil with coconut oil can be used for muscular pain as local application.
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Tuesday 26 August 2014

Turmeric Plant - Simple Tips

                                                                                             (Turmeric Plant)
Turmeric Plant

Botanical Name: Curcuma Longa

Family Name: Zingiberace

Sanskrit Name: Haridra

Malayalam Name: Manjal

Useful Part: Rhizome (root tuber)

Sinusitis,sneezing and nose block....
Half teaspoon pure Turmeric powder mix with a cup of hot milk to be taken early in the morning.

Inhale the smoke from the burning turmeric also will give relief.

Ear ache:
Fresh turmeric juice mix with one fourth quantity of mustard oil stir well and boil for few minutes.

After cooling four drops can be applied in the ear to reduce the ear ache.

Intestinal worms:
Fresh turmeric juice one teaspoon,asafoetida powder(Kayam) one pinch mix together take in empty stomach for 7 days.

Dry turmeric Powder add five times gooseberry powder and store well in a air tight jar.

 Two teaspoon mix with half a glass of hot water to be taken before break fast and before dinner.

 Regular use will give good results.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S

Monday 25 August 2014

Ginger - Single Drug Remedies in Ayurveda

(Ginger Plant)


Botanical Name: Gingiber Offinale Rox

Family Name: Gingiberace

Malayalam Name: Enji

Sanskrit Name: Ardrakam

Useful part: Root tuber (Rhizome)


  It improves digestion.
 Enhancing the proper functioning of stomach and intestines.

Using for indigestion,fever and cough.

In case of indigestion, one teaspoon of ginger juice add half teaspoon of honey mix well and can be taken thrice daily before food.

In stomach ache,One teaspoon ginger juice mix jagry(sharkara) can be taken frequently

In cough with phlegm- dry ginger (chukku) powder mix with dried cumin seeds (jeerakam) and sugar, crush these three together and take half teaspoon frequently.

 It will ease the condition. 

In early stages it will work if the condition is sever consult your ayurveda physician for further advise.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

 (Blogs for the interested layman in Simple Language)

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S

Sunday 24 August 2014

Single Drug Remedies - "Kantakari" Solanum Xanthocarpum

                                                           (Solanum Xanthocarpum Plant)

Botanical Name: Solanum Xanthocarpum
Sanskrit Name:Kantakari
Malayalm Name: Kantakari Chunda

Useful part: the Root

Uses: Dried root crushed 60 gms boil with one liter water,reduce to 250 ml,filter and boil again to reduce to 125 ml.
60 ml decoction mix with one pinch of dried pepper powder and one pinch hingu(asafoetida) can be taken twice daily before food will give marked relief in Bronchial asthma. Continue for better results.
For further clarifications contact your ayurveda physician.
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Hot Weather going to affect you; Some simple tips to protect yourself.

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

As you all know i am living at the center zone of Kerala,south India. The April just going to end,but this year it is getting very hot so early. 

So we all, very anxious about the March, April and May.

 I think it is going to record new high in the temperature chart this year.

 Naturally scarcity of water,dust,pollution,and a number of communicable diseases may spread faster.

According to Ayurveda, six seasons are there, this period the "vasantha rithu" going to end and we are entering into "Greeshama Rithu" which will be the beginning of the hot season.

 The vatha dosha will aggravate and the Pitha tending to go up - i mean the wind and fire element. 
In this season we have to stay away from the food and lifestyle which will aggravate the wind and fire element in the body.

 And prefer more food which gives cooling and unctuous properties after the digestion(after reaching the greeshma rithu). 

Here is a list;
All the spicy are hot in potency so avoid chilly,pepper etc. 

After the sisira rithu next comes the vasantha rithu(february-march) during this season the digestive power will be lesser so we should not take any heavy food stuff which is difficult to digest.

 When it become hot, out side the human body,our internal fire energy spreading out hence digestion will be poor. That is why suggesting light and easily digestible food in this season.

Oil massages,oil application through the nostrils,induced vomiting etc can be done now with the direction of an ayurvedic physician in order to cleanse the system(panchakarma therapy).

Sandal paste can be applied over the body after the bath.

The meat should be grilled under fire before eating followed by honey.

Light alcoholic preparations and can accompany with lovely partner - recommended. 

The drinking water can be boiled with dried ginger or water added with honey can be used for drinking purposes.

Day time sleep compulsorily avoided in this season.
 To avoid sleep we can walk along the green forests or rest under the trees during the day-suggested.
In the diet strictly avoid heavy,cold,unctuous and citrus items.
 For example avoid pork,lamb,deep fried items,burgers,pizza,diary products etc.

Can go for steamed and light break fast -porridge is better.
Dinner- soup based noodles preferred.

we will continue... your comments appreciated.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda.
 For more blogs please Google search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda Blogs'


Friday 22 August 2014

Ayurvedic Treatment Methods (Panchakarma)

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,
In Ayurveda the treatment methods classified as follows;
basically branched into two variants, 


which meant for the maintaining the vigor and vitality of a healthy person by Rejuvenating body and mind.


It is for treating the diseased state of the mind and body without agitating other parts of the body.

Today here we brief about(swastha vritham) the maintenance system;cleansing the body by the five fold purification therapy called 'panchakarma'.

1.Snehanam (lubricating the body by various methods) 

2.Swedanam(steaming or fomenting)

3.Nasyam(medicated oil application through 


4.Sneha vasthi(medicated oil enema)

5.Kashaya vasthi(enema with special medicated combination of oils,herbal decoction, Epsom salt,and herbal paste etc.)

It has got three steps;

1.'poorva karma'(preparatory step)
2.'pradhana karma'(main treatment course)
3.'paschath karma'(post-treatment care)

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Basic Principles and Concepts of "Ayurveda" and how it works on the Human Body

Hello Readers,

Today we are going to discuss about the Basic principles of ayurveda and how it works on the human body to rejuvenate the body and attains the balance hence resulting the cure of the illness.

Ayurveda; the science of life believes that anything under the sun and moon they are either of hot potency or of cold potency means everything can make heat or cold by the influence of sun or moon.

This is the base of ayurveda. 

Yesterday I explained about the five element theory and Three life forces in the body.

We start with the details of sun: It is very hot when sun become powerful by noon the dehydration is happening,fire element in the body aggravating its nature.

 So the Pitha dosha will be dominant in the noon time. 

Same way during the “sarath rithu” in this season the fire element will be ruling the entire atmosphere. 

So we getting the diseases due to the vitiated fire element (Pitha Dosha).

Pitha dosha mainly affecting the digestive system,circulatory system,it controls the vision,blood related disorders etc..these are some of the examples.

The basic properties of the fire element told in Sanskrit texts are as follows;
“pitham sasneha theekshnoshnam laghu visram saram dravam” (sanskrit slogan)

It can circulate,very hot,light,foul-smelling,liquid form,can flow,slightly unctuous .

Here when we get a disease due to the raised and vitiated pitha dosha or fire element we have to apply the herbs which are of opposite properties. 

When the fire burns we pour water in order to stop the fire as the water having just opposite properties to fire. 

Same way to treat pitha or fire aggravated disease we apply the medicines made of the herbs which are opposite to fire element .

It is cold . When the moon influencing our body the vatha or wind element and Kapha or water element will be aggravating. 

Vatha and kapha both are cold where the pitha is hot.

The difference between vatha and kapha ,even though both are cold ,the wind element the
vatha is very light ,moving,rough, hard,minute, and cold

Kapha is very heavy ,dense,unctuous,slow and cold in nature.

The water element will be aggravating in the early morning hours and during the winter.

It will aggravate the phlegm in the body.

 We may get the diseases like, phlegm accumulation in the chest and head region,bronchial asthma,high cholesterol,cardiac blockages,obesity,migraine,sinusitis etc..
Here,to treat these conditions we are applying the herbs which are of hot potency.

 Some examples for the herbs which are of hot potency – Piper nigrum(pepper), Piper longum(Thippali), Calotropis(erukku) etc..

According to ayurveda we can treat any diseased condition by applying just opposite properties.

We Analyse the patient by signs and symptoms.

In Ayurveda texts it explained three methods to diagnose a patient.

“Darshana,sparsana,prasnaihe parikshetha cha roginam”.(Sanskrit slogan)

That means by seeing the patient and the affected areas,by the touch and feel the affected part whether it is cold or hot etc.

 And asking the patient about the symptoms just like when it started where is it affecting,when it will be aggravating etc..

I know you can't grasp it exactly isn't it? Ok I can understand so we will stop today.

 I gone bit deep into the subject.

 Dont worry,will be easy when it come to the practical application area.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.

 Please Like my Facebook page Dr.Xavier’s Ayur Clinic for regular updates.


Thursday 21 August 2014

The Basic Concepts of "Ayurveda" the science of Life.

Hello Readers,

Ayurveda The Ancient Science of Life believes and proves everything in this universe made of the five elements called Space,Air,Fire,Water and Earth that is Akasha,vayu,agni,jalam and bhoomi.

In the human body these five elements comprised into three life forces called vatha,pitha and kapha.
Kapha Dosha is made of Earth and water element.
Pitha Dosha is made of Fire element.
Vatha Dosha is made of Air and Space element.

Then the next is seven major constituents of Body called “saptha Dhathus”
They are as follows – Rasa,Raktha,Mamsa,Meda,Asthi,Majja and Sukra.

And the next is the waste materials which is eliminating out from the body after digestion of food and turning into seven body constituents one after another. And finally the waste throwing out asSweda(sweat),Moothra(urine),Pureesha(stools).

So we can say these are the major part of our body,that is Three Doshas,Seven Dhathus and Three Malas.

The above said five elements are the basic elements in the universe as everything is made out of these but in different proportion.

The Three Doshas in the human body also varies the person to person it can be in seven forms according to the text “ashtanga hrudayam” they are as follows;
Vatha type
Pitha type
Kapha Type,
Vatha -Pitha type
Vatha- kapha type,
Pitha -Kapha type
Vatha- Pitha- Kapha type.

according to their dosha constitution level they change in size,shape,complexion,voice,Luck,behavior,attitude, fear of God, Likes and Dislikes, Diseases prone to,etc..
The above said nature we can access by seeing,touching,from the words,voice etc..

The Three “malas” that is the waste materials which eliminating out after the food assimilation. In a healthy person these three has also have to work properly. It shows the perfect health.

They are – Sweat ,Urine,and stools. (Sweda,moothra andPureesha)

Thank you for reading and we will be in touch for further discussion.