Showing posts with label bASIC CONCEPTS OF AYURVEDA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bASIC CONCEPTS OF AYURVEDA. Show all posts

Thursday 21 August 2014

The Basic Concepts of "Ayurveda" the science of Life.

Hello Readers,

Ayurveda The Ancient Science of Life believes and proves everything in this universe made of the five elements called Space,Air,Fire,Water and Earth that is Akasha,vayu,agni,jalam and bhoomi.

In the human body these five elements comprised into three life forces called vatha,pitha and kapha.
Kapha Dosha is made of Earth and water element.
Pitha Dosha is made of Fire element.
Vatha Dosha is made of Air and Space element.

Then the next is seven major constituents of Body called “saptha Dhathus”
They are as follows – Rasa,Raktha,Mamsa,Meda,Asthi,Majja and Sukra.

And the next is the waste materials which is eliminating out from the body after digestion of food and turning into seven body constituents one after another. And finally the waste throwing out asSweda(sweat),Moothra(urine),Pureesha(stools).

So we can say these are the major part of our body,that is Three Doshas,Seven Dhathus and Three Malas.

The above said five elements are the basic elements in the universe as everything is made out of these but in different proportion.

The Three Doshas in the human body also varies the person to person it can be in seven forms according to the text “ashtanga hrudayam” they are as follows;
Vatha type
Pitha type
Kapha Type,
Vatha -Pitha type
Vatha- kapha type,
Pitha -Kapha type
Vatha- Pitha- Kapha type.

according to their dosha constitution level they change in size,shape,complexion,voice,Luck,behavior,attitude, fear of God, Likes and Dislikes, Diseases prone to,etc..
The above said nature we can access by seeing,touching,from the words,voice etc..

The Three “malas” that is the waste materials which eliminating out after the food assimilation. In a healthy person these three has also have to work properly. It shows the perfect health.

They are – Sweat ,Urine,and stools. (Sweda,moothra andPureesha)

Thank you for reading and we will be in touch for further discussion.