Tuesday 29 July 2014

Cold Weather affecting Rheumatic Patients...

Hi Readers,

When the weather changing into a deep cold state it is affecting badly the patients who all suffering the diseases due to the vitiated wind element that is the "vatha rogas".

Say for example, patient who all suffering Rheumatic complaints,Rheumatoid Arthritis,Bronchial Asthma,various Allergies,and kinds of Aches and Pains.

They have to find all the protective measures against cold weather. Use hot water for Drinking,Bathing etc. take hot and fresh food. Use woolen jackets and slippers on the tiled floor. Don't sleep right beneath the fan or air conditioner. 

Avoid taking all root tubers except carrots. Avoid yellow Dal,green peas and ground nuts. Should not take anything from the fridge frozen stuff.

These above said items will aggravates the wind element in the body and causing any or more from the eighty types of "vatha rogas" (Rheumatic disorders).
Join me for the discussion with your comments. Thank you.

Parkinson Disease - Ayurveda Outlook

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

In Ayurveda it is explained there are eighty types of "vatha rogas" means the diseases occurred due to the deranged wind element of the body.

 Among these eighty types some are completely curable,some can be maintained with medication,proper diet and Lifestyle adjustment. and the rest cannot be cure at all.

The "kampavatha" shows very similar symptoms like Parkinson's Disease.

 Ayurveda demands no cure for this condition.

 But it is getting proven effects on the control of the symptoms. 

Mainly the Parkinson patient shows the shivering of the limbs,stiffness of joints,slurred speech and lately difficulty in swallowing,difficulty in passing motion,convulsive movement of limbs etc.

According to "Ayurveda" the science of life says - all these above said symptoms are ruled by the aggravated and vitiated "vatha dosha" - wind element.

 All the procedures to control and balance the wind element will help to control this disease.

The vitiated wind will cause the constipation,insomnia,dryness of skin and mouth,slowness in speech and movements,shivering limbs etc.

In order to treat this condition we have to give the following diet.

The Diet must be easily digestible,well cocked,which gives unctuousness to the body. 

Prefer soup based dinner,fruit juices,mutton soup,grains having high proteins,  
timely food,mental relaxation,peaceful atmosphere etc.

Avoid or Reduce:
Lentils like yellow Dal,root tubers except carrots,cold items,cold weather,cold shower,frozen food etc whichever will vitiate the wind element in the body. 

Daily oil application on head & body and a warm shower will be appreciated.

The patient must be happy. Yoga will be beneficial for controlling the anxiety.

Internal herbal medication and external oils for head and body can be fixed by a qualified and experienced ayurveda physician after a through and detailed consultation.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing the Blogs on Ayurveda.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S

Monday 28 July 2014

"Oushadam" is not Medicine..!!!

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

The Word Medicine means a chemically derived combination of active principles  which "Kills the Disease" or in other words,it works against a particular virus and attain the relief from a particular Disease.

When the war against a country or a believe or a person,there is a lot of innocent people also affecting. But the point of surrender is faster.

The word "Oshadham" which can be seen in ancient Sanskrit treatises - it means,which is a herb or a combination of herbs grown in the nature and will promote proper functions of the body like Appetite,Motion,Sleep,urination,blood flow,thinking,walking etc.

 which will help to eliminates the impurities from the body,rejuvenate the body,cleanse the body system,attains a healthy body and mind. 
It should not be creating any disease or a unhealthy state of mind and body.

I happen to write this just because these days a number of patients asking " any chance to get any diseases while taking herbal medication".

 They asking this because the lack of knowledge about traditional system of healthy living which come across more than 5000 years.

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Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips
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Saturday 26 July 2014

Ayurveda Consultation by Dr.Xavier

 Checking the Blood Pressure of the Patient

 Case taking
 Some queries..
 Some suggestions...
 Listening the Patient

Friday 25 July 2014

Fruits and Vegetable Plants in Kerala

 Cashew nut tree

 Jack Fruit

 Moringa Olifera

 Ladies Finger

 Ladies Finger

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Single Drug Remedies -"Keezharnelli"- Phylanthus Neruri

Medicinal Plants...

Botanical Name:Phylanthus Niruri

Family Name:   Euphorbeaceae

Sanskrit Name:  Bhumyamalaki

Malayalam Name: Kizharnelli

It is a shrub grows 15 - 30 cms height.

Benefits and Uses: (consult your physician)

It is a very good remedy for the Jaundice 

20 gms paste of the whole plant mix with goats milk to be taken early morning in empty stomach for 7 days.

 Gives marked relief in most of the cases. During the course patient should take complete bed rest.

 Should avoid oily fried and Non - veg food stuff. Spicy food also not suggested.

Can take boiled or steamed banana. Rice porridge with boiled vegetables without oils and spices.

On eighth day patient should take rice porridge with fried tamarind and roasted fenugreek seeds.

 And on ninth day early morning take purgative medicine.

The plant paste intake can be continued for better results.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

For more blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips - Google search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda'

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Medium Sized Trees that gives Fruits


Monday 21 July 2014


Friday 11 July 2014

Healing Herbs "Aryaveppu"- Azadirachta Indica

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Botanical Name:Azadirachta Indica

Family Name:        Meliaceae

English Name:       Neem

Sanskrit Name:      Nimba

Malayalam Name: Aryaveppu

Parts Used: Bark,root-bark,leaves,gum,seed,fruit and flower.

It is a medium sized tree grows up to 12 meters height.


It purifies the blood,effective in skin diseases,intermittent fever,it is one of the ingredient in the herbal decoctions for the rheumatic complaints.
It was using for  Malaria since very long back itself. 
And also can be used in intestinal worms,Diabetes,urticaria,eczema,boils,jaundice etc.

Make paste with Neem leaves and fresh turmeric and can be applied for the skin problems.

 It is also good for removing the poisonous stings 
or gives relief in poisonous bites.

 Crush the Neem leaves and turmeric boil the water use for bathing in in various skin problems like urticaria,eczema etc.

Tender leaf paste 20gms can be taken every morning in empty stomach - good for Diabetic patients.

Infusion with neem flowers good for dyspepsia and general debility.

Neem leaf juice 10ml mix with 10ml castor oil to be taken early morning in empty stomach for three consecutive days - good for jaundice and intestinal worms,this combination can be taken once a year when winter begins as laxative to purify the digestive system.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.

 Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S

Thursday 10 July 2014

Medicinal Plants - "Munja"- Premna Serratifolia.

Botanical Name:    Premna Serratifolia

Family Name:        Lamiacae

Sanskrit Name:      Agnimantha

Malayalam Name: Munja

Parts Used:            Root,Leaf,whole plant


The decoction of root bark can be used in Rheumatoid Arthritis conditions.

It is one of the dasamoola drug(ten types of roots) which is a major ingredient in many of the herbal combinations for rheumatic complaints.

The tender leaf juice mix with 'tulsi' leaf juice is good for pediatric complaints like fever, indigestion,loose bowels etc.

For any further info. please feel free to contact;

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Medicinal Plants - Centela Asiatica - "kudangal"

Botanical Name:    Centella Asiatica

Family Name:        Umbelifrae

Sanskrit Name:      Mandukaparni

Malayalam Name: Kudangal

Parts Used: whole plant


It is a very good brain stimulant,memory booster,diuretic, enhance the proper functioning of  the cardiac muscles. Induce sleep,controls fits,good for psychiatric conditions and anti aging too.


whole plant washed and crushed paste 10gms to be taken early morning in empty stomach.
Squeezed juice 15ml mix with butter also can be taken in empty stomach. 

For further details contact;


Tuesday 8 July 2014

Ayurvedic Treatment for Back Pain-Doctor Live 8, May Part 1

Back Pain By Dr.XavierTalk on Asianet plus Chanel

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (I B S) - Ayurvedic view by Dr.Xavier

Medicinal Plants - Cheroola

Botanical Name: Erva Laneta jus

Family Name: Amaranthecea 

Sanskrit Name: Bhadra

Malayalam Name: Cheroola

Parts Used: whole plant with root can be used.

Benefits and Uses:

It is a diuretic plant,very good effective in case of urinary calculus.

It can control the bleeding during the pregnancy.
And also can be used with other appropriate hers for different types of fever.

Urinary stone:

The complete plant with root wash,cut and pounded 100 Gms boil with 1 Ltr water reduce to 250ml filter and boil again to reduce to 100ml . 

To be taken early morning in empty stomach and two hours before dinner (50 ml each). Can be continued for 41 days.
 It is very good to reduce the size(even cure) of the kidney stone.

During pregnancy:

On the seventh month onward can be taken till the delivery. This can enhance the normal delivery and for a healthy Mother and Baby.

Method of preparation;

 100gms crushed root boil with 200ml cow milk and 600 ml water,boil and reduce to 200ml and sugar can be taken at bed time.

If you need any further clarification please feel free to contact on

Google Search; Dr.Xavier Ayurveda

Thank you.

Monday 7 July 2014

Medicinal Plants - Risinis Communis - "Avannakku"

Botanical Name: Ricinis Communis

Family Name: Euphorbiaceae

Sanskrit name: Erandam

Malayalam Name: Avanakku

Parts Used: The Oil, Leaves, Roots and Seeds.

The oil (Eranda Thailam) is non- irritant purgative.

It is safe to use as a laxative even for the milking babies,they can consume along with mother's milk.

In Case of Vitiligo or leucoderma;castor oil can be given along with cow's urine as purgative.

Virgin Ricinis Communis oil can be applied in the eyes (in between the lower eyelids and eyeballs)  when getting irritation and burning sensation with mild swelling in the eyes due to foreign particles in the eyes.

Castor oil medicated with other herbs commonly using in Chronic Rheumatic conditions widely as a laxative.

It gives marked relief and helps to work the other herbal decoctions better,especially in abdominal colic,Lumbago,Sciatica etc. 

In case of milking mother for better feeding - apply the Eranda oil on the leaf to be warmed on fire and put it around the breasts as a bandage,it will enhance the secretion of milk.

A paste of the tender ricinis comunis leaves 10 - 15gms mixed with goat's milk in early morning in empty stomach for Jaundice.

Apply the crushed paste of the dry seeds can be applied on the Rheumatic swelling. It will also help to mature the boils.

Tender leaf paste is very good liver tonic.

In Ayurveda,many conventional medicines contains any form of Ricinis Communis.
Gandharvahasthadi Kashayam is a commonly used medicine for Chronic Rheumatic Conditions.

For Ayurveda Health Blogs Google Search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda'  and Please Like, Comment, Follow,Share and Subscribe too.

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Sunday 6 July 2014

Medicinal Plants - Sida Cordifolia (Kurunthotti) - Benefits and uses

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Botanical Name: Sida Cordifolia
Sanskrit Name: Bala
Malayalam Name: Kurunthotti
Part used: Root

The infusion can be useful in nervous disaeses,urinary disorders,bleeding piles,haematuria,leucorrhoea,chronic dysentery,fascial paralysis etc.

Various applications:

1. Decoction of Bala roots and Ginger can be given in intermittent fever with cold and shivering fits.
2.The powder of the root bark with milk and sugar can be given in case of intermittent fever with leucorrhoea.

Sida Cordifolia (Bala) is having wide range of application in ayurvedic medication. It is very good effective in neurological disorders like Rheumatism,facial palsy,paralysis etc. 

It is useful in all kids of eighty types of Vatha Rogas (diseases of vitiated wind element).

 It clear off the blockages in Rheumatic problems - Clears the srothorodha due to vatah dushti.

According to ayurveda,the elevated wind element the vatha dosha creates the dryness in the channels leads to the blockage of the energy flow which makes the vatah rogas in eighty varieties. 

The roots of sida cordifolia is one among the chief herb to treat the vatha roga (Rheumatic disorders).

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