Monday 7 July 2014

Medicinal Plants - Risinis Communis - "Avannakku"

Botanical Name: Ricinis Communis

Family Name: Euphorbiaceae

Sanskrit name: Erandam

Malayalam Name: Avanakku

Parts Used: The Oil, Leaves, Roots and Seeds.

The oil (Eranda Thailam) is non- irritant purgative.

It is safe to use as a laxative even for the milking babies,they can consume along with mother's milk.

In Case of Vitiligo or leucoderma;castor oil can be given along with cow's urine as purgative.

Virgin Ricinis Communis oil can be applied in the eyes (in between the lower eyelids and eyeballs)  when getting irritation and burning sensation with mild swelling in the eyes due to foreign particles in the eyes.

Castor oil medicated with other herbs commonly using in Chronic Rheumatic conditions widely as a laxative.

It gives marked relief and helps to work the other herbal decoctions better,especially in abdominal colic,Lumbago,Sciatica etc. 

In case of milking mother for better feeding - apply the Eranda oil on the leaf to be warmed on fire and put it around the breasts as a bandage,it will enhance the secretion of milk.

A paste of the tender ricinis comunis leaves 10 - 15gms mixed with goat's milk in early morning in empty stomach for Jaundice.

Apply the crushed paste of the dry seeds can be applied on the Rheumatic swelling. It will also help to mature the boils.

Tender leaf paste is very good liver tonic.

In Ayurveda,many conventional medicines contains any form of Ricinis Communis.
Gandharvahasthadi Kashayam is a commonly used medicine for Chronic Rheumatic Conditions.

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