Showing posts with label Alshimers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alshimers. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Medicinal Plants - Centela Asiatica - "kudangal"

Botanical Name:    Centella Asiatica

Family Name:        Umbelifrae

Sanskrit Name:      Mandukaparni

Malayalam Name: Kudangal

Parts Used: whole plant


It is a very good brain stimulant,memory booster,diuretic, enhance the proper functioning of  the cardiac muscles. Induce sleep,controls fits,good for psychiatric conditions and anti aging too.


whole plant washed and crushed paste 10gms to be taken early morning in empty stomach.
Squeezed juice 15ml mix with butter also can be taken in empty stomach. 

For further details contact;