Wednesday 2 April 2014

How to Prevent Heat boils and Rashes..

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

The Season getting hot,it is recorded about 40 degrees temperature at central Kerala South India.
 People started getting the heat rashes on the body. 
Reddish small small eruptions with itching and oozing of a clear fluid when scratching.

 It is a common symptom now in this weather.It is affecting the children mostly.

The following Tips will help to prevent this problem.

Apply the herbal paste all over the body for 10-15 min. before bath.
1.Fresh turmeric
2. Neem leaf 
3. Sandal
any of the above paste or all the three together can be applied externally.
 And you can also boil the water with these herbs for taking bath.

Apply NALPAMARADI COCONUT OIL(an Ayurveda medicated oil) all over the body half an hour before bath.

Instead of using soap and shampoo you can use the green gram powder-make a paste with water and apply,it will remove the oil but will leave a light smear on the body as a protective measure throughout the day.

Don't take much spicy food,oily deep fried items in this hot weather. You can reduce or avoid spirits also.

Try to take more fruits,especially grapes,small bananas,water melon,cucumber etc.

Avoid curd which makes the body hot after the digestion.
But you can use the thin buttermilk.

How to prepare the thin butter milk:

Blend the curd by churning or by the blender,remove the butter then dilute with water.

200 ml buttermilk after removing the butter dilute with 2 Ltr plain water and 10gms each of ginger,curry leaves and green chilly.

 Add a few small-onion also which is good to reduce the pain due to the piles.

Stir well and store in a earthen vessel for getting natural chillness.
One person can take 2 Liters in a day.

These are all the precautions to prevent the issues in  the hot summer.
Hi guys try it out and enjoy the healthy summer holidays. 

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.
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