Tuesday 8 April 2014

Skin Diseases - Simple Tips

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will Discuss about the Health Tips,Dos and Don'ts for the Skin Patients.

According to Ayurvedic Science,Skin problems happening when the impurities in the blood delivering out through the skin pores. When it occur excessively we feel the discomforts like Reddish,Discoloration, Itching,Rashes,oozing, puss formation etc.

The Blood impurities happening of various reasons.
Taking contaminated food,food stuff which are not matching,which are not good for the immune system,colors,preservatives,junk food,excessive use of curd,food which causing indigestion,taking fatty and oily food excessively, when not taking fiber contained food and lac of water intake these are some of the common causes for skin problems.

There is another belief is that skin problems occurring by the curse of the God due to activities against the body,community and the nature in the previous birth.

In order to cleanse the system and prevent the skin problems,at first we should be ready to avoid taking contaminated,impure and junk food which are not good for the body instead of taking natural food stuff which contain more fiber. And also must take plenty of water.
Must do the offerings to the God,charity and social service will help to reduce the bad effect of the God's Curse.

   In Ayurveda, the skin problems classifying according to the vitiation of the vital forces like Wind-"vatha", Fire- "pitha", Water- "kapha". Physician has to analyse which of the above element vitiated in the diseased stage. It can be done with help of presenting symptoms and by pulse reading of the patient. Then he has to suggest the diet and lifestyle which can balance the elevated energy in the body. And also has to prescribe the herbal medication if necessary which is safe and got no side effect.

 The patient must be aware about the disease,how it occurred,how to prevent,the do's and don'ts also.

Skin patients generally can avoid the non-veg food stuff,oily and diary products for fast relief.
They have to take plenty of green leafy vegetables,cucumber,water melon,grapes,apples,guava,carrots,long beans,lettuce,banana etc.
Drink plenty of water boiled with coriander seeds.(5-10 gms for 2 Ltr water boil for 15 min.)
They can drink tender coconut water,thin butter milk and fruit juices too.

Wash body with luke warm water boiled with turmeric and Neem leaf. In the hot season can wash the body twice daily.

we will discuss further in the coming editions...
Thank you.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S