Monday 17 March 2014

The Role of Diet and Lifestyle in Manifesting the Disease - Ayurveda View.

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

                   Do you ever thought about the role of diet and lifestyle on the diseases.

                  Ayurvedic Basic concepts and principles proves that on the background of five element theory. Ayurveda says everything in the universe, anything under the sun and the moon are made of these five basic elements (panchabootha) only. 

These are the five elements;


Everything created with these five elements only but with different proportion,that is why we are different in size shape weight complexion character etc..

In the human body these five,comprising into three ie. Thridosha.(Three types of life forces)

They are as as follows;

1.Vatha (the wind energy)
2.Pitha (the fire energy)
3.Kapha (the water energy)

All the plants are also made of the five elements only as explained above.

When the three life forces losing their equilibrium it manifesting as the disease. In order to attain the balance we are adding the opposite property.

  Say for example the illness is due to the vitiation of the fire element (pitha dosha vitiation),here we apply the water element dominating herbs to pacify the elevated fire element. 

  In other words, a patient getting acidity which is a fire element symptom here we will apply the grapes which will help to pacify the fire energy or pitha dosha.

The following list will help to show the Characteristics of the Wind element, Diet and Lifestyle:

"Thathra rooksho laghu seetha khara sookshma chalo anila"

The wind or vatha dosha is very rough,light,cold,hard,minute and moving in nature.

Wind aggravating diet and lifestyle;

Root tubers except carrots,like-potatoes,tapioca,ground nut etc.

Lentils like  yellow dal,green peas etc.

All the cold items generally will aggravates the wind element.

So keep away from the fridge frozen items. Avoid cold water for drinking and bathing etc.

People who suffers the wind related (vatha) diseases and we keep on taking wind elevating food stuff,the diseases will turn severe.

Irregular food timings,late night sleep,over stress and strain also will lead to wind disorders.

The wind disorders are, spondylitis,lumbago,rheumatism,osteo arthritis,flatulence,bloating,insomnia,piles, constipation,suspicious mentality,lack of strength both physical and mental,aches and pains etc.

    And now we look into the Fire element or Pitha dosha.

The basic nature of pitha dosha are it is very hot,sharp,with little bit unctuous,light and it is tend to spread also.
"Pitham sasneha theekshnoshnam
Laghu visram saram dravam"

some of the diseases due to the elevated fire are; 

skin problems,ulcer,bleeding piles,arthritis,burning sensation,swelling,IBS these are some examples.

Here we have to avoid spicy food,hot potency food,oily deep fried,chilly,curd etc.

The Water element nature-diseases and diet are as follows:

"snigdha seetho gurur mandha slakshno mruthsna sthira kapha"

The kapha or water element are unctuous,cold,heavy,sluggish,sticky and dense in nature.

Some of the common diseases due to elevated kapha are high Cholesterol levels,blockages  in the circulatory system,asthma,migraine,rheumatic fever,obesity,carcinoma etc.

Here we have to apply the opposite principles like, hot,light etc.

some of the kapha or water pacifying herbs are; pepper,ginger,clove,chilly,horse gram,all green leafy vegetables which contain more fiber.

And we should avoid or reduce the in take of sweets,cool drinks,meat,ghee,butter,cheese,oily,deep fried etc. 

And many more to discuss... we will continue.

Google Search Dr.Xavier Ayurveda Blogs.

 Thank you.