Showing posts with label Skin Diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin Diseases. Show all posts

Monday 4 July 2016

Skin Diseasee - Lichenplanus Ayurveda View...

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

It is a typical range of skin  disease.
It is affecting our nervous system and circulatory system in addition to the skin.

According to ayurveda science it is causing by the deranged Pitha Dosha and Raktha Dhathu. In order to control the diseases we should avoid the diet and Lifestyle which will enhance the vitiation of Pitha Dosha and Raktha Dhathu (ie. The fire element and the blood)

Here is a list of diet and lifestyle which should avoid the Lichenplanus Patient.


Sea food,
Oily Deep fried items,
Spicy food,
Diary products (Ghee,Butter,Cheese)
Meet (especially  Chicken,Eggs,Beef)

The above said items they should avoid completely or reduce the intake as much as possible because these items will aggravate the Lichenplanus symptoms.

They can prefer more;

Green Leafy vegetables,
Fruits (especially grapes,melons,banana,pomegranate etc.)
Thin butter milk and Boiled butter milk,
Long beans,
Cucumber etc..

Will be back to you with more info...

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs,


Wednesday 10 December 2014

Say 'No' to Pickles in your daily menu. Why?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Pickle is a common item for a good Meal. It is quiet common especially in south Indian Lunch menu.
The major ingredients are Sesame oil,Red Chilly,Salt,Mango or Lemon slices etc.

 It is essential because it adds the taste of the meal,enhance the production of digestive enzymes,so it will promote good appetite.

 And it induces the taste buds too. So we will have a nicely enjoyable meal with pickle.

But in certain diseased condition it is not good; Acidity,stomach ulcers,Belching,Chest burn,Skin diseases,Arthritis and Obesity.

In Acidity and Ulcer condition when take pickle it will enhance the production of digestive enzymes and acids hence it will aggravates the illness.

In case of Skin diseases; according to ayurveda skin diseases occurs due to the vitiation of the blood. The pungent,salty and sour tastes will aggravates the vitiation of the blood and it is not good for the skin diseases.

In the Arthritis cases also the blood (Raktha Dhathu) is vitiating so we should avoid Pickle.

In Obesity condition; as the pickle enhance the gastric juice secretion and promotes good appetite,we will tend to eat more and more which leads to the weight gaining again.

So in the above mentioned conditions it is better to avoid the Pickles in your daily menu.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs.


Friday 11 July 2014

Healing Herbs "Aryaveppu"- Azadirachta Indica

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Botanical Name:Azadirachta Indica

Family Name:        Meliaceae

English Name:       Neem

Sanskrit Name:      Nimba

Malayalam Name: Aryaveppu

Parts Used: Bark,root-bark,leaves,gum,seed,fruit and flower.

It is a medium sized tree grows up to 12 meters height.


It purifies the blood,effective in skin diseases,intermittent fever,it is one of the ingredient in the herbal decoctions for the rheumatic complaints.
It was using for  Malaria since very long back itself. 
And also can be used in intestinal worms,Diabetes,urticaria,eczema,boils,jaundice etc.

Make paste with Neem leaves and fresh turmeric and can be applied for the skin problems.

 It is also good for removing the poisonous stings 
or gives relief in poisonous bites.

 Crush the Neem leaves and turmeric boil the water use for bathing in in various skin problems like urticaria,eczema etc.

Tender leaf paste 20gms can be taken every morning in empty stomach - good for Diabetic patients.

Infusion with neem flowers good for dyspepsia and general debility.

Neem leaf juice 10ml mix with 10ml castor oil to be taken early morning in empty stomach for three consecutive days - good for jaundice and intestinal worms,this combination can be taken once a year when winter begins as laxative to purify the digestive system.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.

 Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S