Showing posts with label Acidity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acidity. Show all posts

Saturday 26 August 2017

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Seasonal Cold and Fever - Tips to Control

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Seasonal Cold and Fever - Tips to Control: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, The weather changing into the extreme cold these days,we all prone to affect the seasonal imbalances....

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Say 'No' to Pickles in your daily menu. Why?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Pickle is a common item for a good Meal. It is quiet common especially in south Indian Lunch menu.
The major ingredients are Sesame oil,Red Chilly,Salt,Mango or Lemon slices etc.

 It is essential because it adds the taste of the meal,enhance the production of digestive enzymes,so it will promote good appetite.

 And it induces the taste buds too. So we will have a nicely enjoyable meal with pickle.

But in certain diseased condition it is not good; Acidity,stomach ulcers,Belching,Chest burn,Skin diseases,Arthritis and Obesity.

In Acidity and Ulcer condition when take pickle it will enhance the production of digestive enzymes and acids hence it will aggravates the illness.

In case of Skin diseases; according to ayurveda skin diseases occurs due to the vitiation of the blood. The pungent,salty and sour tastes will aggravates the vitiation of the blood and it is not good for the skin diseases.

In the Arthritis cases also the blood (Raktha Dhathu) is vitiating so we should avoid Pickle.

In Obesity condition; as the pickle enhance the gastric juice secretion and promotes good appetite,we will tend to eat more and more which leads to the weight gaining again.

So in the above mentioned conditions it is better to avoid the Pickles in your daily menu.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs.


Friday 15 August 2014

Common Causes for Acidity and Gastritis... Dr.T.Xavier


Now days there is a huge increase in number of acidity patients day by day.

The Reasons may be...

The latest trends in the food habits.
The various mode of mental stress and strain increased when comparing to the previous decades.
Depending more on the chemically derived formulations and prescriptions for instant relief lately becoming addicted to a number of tablets in regular practice.
Depending more on over the counter products without proper advise from a qualified doctor.
The purity of water is another issue – we are getting chemically treated water even for cooking.
Excess usage of Pesticides and  fertilizers in the fruits and vegetables.
Hormones and even antibiotics in excess measure which found in the meat and poultry.
Unhealthy colors and preservatives in the junk food.
People started moving long distances as a part of  their routine job so different weather and different dietary habits also affecting the digestive system badly.
Restaurants other food selling counters not keeping the complete guide lines from health control department in the Personnel hygiene,cleanliness and waste disposal.
Using the Ajinomotto,MSG and such kind of stuff in the food for the color smell taste and long storage.
Smoking and Excess Alcohol intake.
These above said points may be the direct lead to the Acidity and Gastritis.