Friday, 23 February 2018

Bamboo - Actions & Uses

English name:  Bamboo

Botanical Name: Bambusa Arundinaceae

Family Name: Graminaceae

Malayalam Name: Mula

Tamil Name: Mungil

Parts Used:
Bamboo tender leaves, Bamboo tender Shoots, Bamboo Roots and Seeds

1. Tender Bamboo shoots poultice or dried powder application will help to heal the wounds.

2. Decoction of tender Bamboo leaves and leaf buds is very good effective for scanty menstrual bleeding.

3. It is also useful for thread worms in kids.

4. Tender shoots pickles or curry will promote good digestion and appetite

5. The whitish powder collected from the stem junction and leaves (Tabashir) is said to be stimulant, tonic, cooling, anti spasmodic and aphrodisiac.

Consult your Ayurveda physician for more details.

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Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S