Wednesday 21 February 2018

Banana Tree (Vazha) - Benefits and Uses

Botanical Name: Musa Paradisiaca Lin

Family Name; Musaceae

English Name: Plantain or Banana tree

Malayalam Name: Vazha

Tamil Name: Vazhai

Sanskrit Name: Mocha, Mochaka

Ayurveda Properties:
Rasam: Madhuram
Gunam: Snigdham, Mrudu
Veeryam: Seetham
Vipakam; Madhuram

Parts used; fruit, leaf, root tuber and stem.


It promotes digestion, Rejuvenation, stem juice good for piles and kidney disorders.

The fully ripe fruit is laxative,when taken in the early mornings, the ripe fruit is also good for anemic conditions too. 

The plantain is a nourishing food,
it can be taken in chronic dysentery mixed with half its weight tamarind and a little of  common salt.

The plantain flower juice mixed with curd can be taken in dysmenorrhoea. 

The plantain stem juice mixed with turmeric powder is good for diabetes.

Unripened fruit mixed with jagery can be taken in case of  excess menstrual bleeding.

consult your Ayurveda physician for more details.

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Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S