Sunday 5 June 2016

Dos and Don'ts for Asthma and Allergy Patients

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today i just want to remind again my patients

 who all suffering Nasal Polyp,Septal 

deviation,Allergic Rhinitis,Dust 

Allergy,Sneezing,Asthma etc.

 You may follow the Simple tips given earlier.

 Here i can repeat for my blog readers too.

Anything cold not suits you.

Cold weather,cold water,icy drinks,frozen 

food,deserts,cold shower,Air-con,wind etc.

Food items which is having cold potency-

means which gives cooling effect after the 


Heavy food stuff which is difficult to digest 

generally not suit you.

And the food items which causing gas

 trouble,bloating,constipation etc also you

 have to keep away.

Here is a detail list:

Cool drinks,ice creams,chilled water.
 Air-con should be with maximum temperature (26 – 
28 degrees in Indian standards)

Cooling items like banana,grapes,water 

melon,cucumber etc.

Oily deep fried items,ghee,butter,cheese,jack 

fruit,burger,pizza ,red meat.


Lentils,Green peas,ground nuts,root tubers;

These above said items you should avoid or 

reduce in your daily diet. 

That itself give you 

marked relief.

And you may prefer everything hot and fresh.

For any further clarification please feel free 

to contact me or you can contact your nearest 

Herbal practitioner.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.