Thursday 2 June 2016

Diet for Pregnant Ladies..

Diet for Pregnant Ladies..

After the conception the first trimester of the pregnancy needs enough rest and nutritious food as it influence the growth of the Baby. 

First month due to the Nausea and Vomiting can’t take the food properly in most of the cases. 

Less food but should prefer very rich in Calorie value.

 A pregnant lady needs extra 300 Kcl per day,it can get from one glass milk,one banana and one boiled egg on daily basis.

Food should be well cooked,light and easily digestible. 

Can prefer more vegetables especially green leafy vegetables.

 Also can take different types of beans which supplements the proteins and vitamins.

Should take a glass of milk in the morning and evening,if you are getting bloating or gas problem then the milk can be boil with a piece of dried ginger for some time it will help to control the problem. 

Fruits and gooseberry is good for anemic conditions. 

Drumstick leaf juice with honey can be taken if the blood pressure aggravates during pregnancy.

Another common problem during pregnancy is constipation,some time may lead to piles also.

If you can take more vegetables,fruits and whole grain rice or wheat will help to reduce the difficulties.

 Drink plenty of thin butter milk and add more small onion along with vegetables,it will ease the condition.

Should reduce in take of salt during pregnancy and the frozen food,spicy food,oily deep fried items etc. 

Vegetables and fruits should wash with luke warm water mix with salt and turmeric powder in order to remove the pesticides.

Can avoid the tea and coffee and take more tender coconut water,fruit juices,thin butter milk and rice soup also beneficial. 

Boiled water with roasted rice(malar) will help to reduce the nausea. 

Pomegranate juice also good to avoid nausea and vomiting.

 Pomegranate is good to avoid anemia too. Drinking water can be boil with coriander seeds.

Should avoid colored and carbonated beverages,papaya,pineapple and cabbage.

 Pregnant ladies should take food on time should not leave stomach empty.

 Can walk a few distance will be good to avoid gas trouble and constipation especially after dinner and it will promte digestion.
For getting more information contact your ayurveda physician.
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