Monday 13 June 2016

Ginger - Uses and Benefits

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Here is some more details about Ginger...

Botanical Name: Gingiber Offinale Rox

Family Name: Gingiberace

Malayalam Name: Enji

Sanskrit Name: Ardrakam

Useful part: Root tuber

  It improves digestion.
 Enhancing the proper functioning of stomach and intestines.
 Using for Indigestion,fever and cough.

In case of indigestion,
 One teaspoon of ginger juice add half teaspoon of honey can be taken thrice daily before food.

In stomach ache,
One teaspoon ginger juice mix jagery (sharkara) can be taken frequently.

In cough with phlegm- dry ginger (chukku) powder mix with dried cumin seeds (jeerakam) and sugar, crush these three together and take half teaspoon frequently. 
It will ease the condition.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.


Sunday 12 June 2016

Ginger Coffee - How to make?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will discuss about the Benefits of Ginger Coffee.

Benefits of Ginger coffee.

The Ingredients are;

Dry ginger,

Cumin seeds,


Tulsi Leaves,


and Jagery.

5 gms each add ¼ teaspoon of coffee powder boil with 300 ml water for 10 min, filter drink warm frequently gulp by gulp it will ease running nose,cough,chillness and fever,Promotes appetite and also will help to Boost the Immunity.

Diabetics Patients can avoid jaggery.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.


Thursday 9 June 2016

Fatty Liver - Brief Outlook

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will just look into the details of another common problem “Fatty Liver”.

Those days it is told fatty liver commonly seen only in drunkards but nowadays it is quiet common even in Non- Alcoholic people and Ladies too.

The Reasons may be the recent tendencies to have the Non-veg food stuff in excess quantity.

 Generally we take very rich food when compare to last decades.

 Oily,Deep fried,Red meet,Junk food,frequent eating,Diary products,Ghee,Butter,Cheese etc.

When we have the fatty and oily stuff in excess quantity Liver can’t purify the circulatory system completely. 

Hence it sediments in the long run and shows the early fatty changes then fatty liver leading into Cholelythiasis,Cirrhosis,Hepatomegaly etc.

 And even Carcinoma of the Liver.

 And they are more prone to get conditions like Jaundice,Hepatitis etc.

The solutions are Reduce or cut completely the Oily,diary,Fatty,Non- Veg food steps depending upon the severity of the condition.

Stay away from Alcohol.

Make sure enough exercises regularly. 

At least 20 to 30 min walk to sweat.

 Yoga,jogging,etc.. to burn the calories.

On top of that make sure having at least 400 to 600 gms of rich  fiber containing vegetables and fruits in a Day.

Simple Health Tip:
Take 20 gms of of tender leaf paste of Risinis Communis plant (Avannakku) mixed with pure Goats milk every morning in empty stomach.

Avoid take too much spicy,sour,salty and oily food stuff especially Pickles during these days.

In Ayurveda there is a lot of detailed treatment procedures explained very well to treat the various types of Liver disorders.

Gooseberry and Dry grapes also good for the above said conditions.

Read my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips,Watch my Travel Videos – Share and Subscribe too.

Hope it will give a brief idea about the condition. Need your comments and feed backs.
Read and Share.

Thank You  for your time.

Tuesday 7 June 2016

Benefits of Drinking Water

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

We discussed about the common causes for the obesity in my previous blog sometime back.

Today i just want to give you a very simple tip told in ayurvedic texts for controlling the over weight.

One of the major ayurveda text ‘Ashtangahrudayam’ says,take 300 – 500 ml water just before every meal,who all want to reduce your body weight.

While you taking the water before the meal,it will dilute the Digestive enzymes and acid secretions which help to control the digestion hence resulting the control of appetite,digestion and absorption.

 It will make marked changes,you try it out for next 90 days and see the difference.

One more thing after drinking the water your stomach will be full so you cant eat much. 

Normally you have to take 8 glasses (2ltrs) water minimum,you can increase to 3 or 4 liters over the day.

 It will help to control the wrinkling of the skin when you reduce your body mass.

Proper water intake will help to keep up the skin tone also.

It will help the proper functioning of your urinary system,reduce the chances for Urinary Tract Infections,formation of urinary stones,help to drain out the waste elements from the body through urine and sweat.

 Cleanse the digestive system and cures the constipation. 

And also relieve the difficulties to pass the stools in Piles patients.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.


Sunday 5 June 2016

Dos and Don'ts for Asthma and Allergy Patients

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today i just want to remind again my patients

 who all suffering Nasal Polyp,Septal 

deviation,Allergic Rhinitis,Dust 

Allergy,Sneezing,Asthma etc.

 You may follow the Simple tips given earlier.

 Here i can repeat for my blog readers too.

Anything cold not suits you.

Cold weather,cold water,icy drinks,frozen 

food,deserts,cold shower,Air-con,wind etc.

Food items which is having cold potency-

means which gives cooling effect after the 


Heavy food stuff which is difficult to digest 

generally not suit you.

And the food items which causing gas

 trouble,bloating,constipation etc also you

 have to keep away.

Here is a detail list:

Cool drinks,ice creams,chilled water.
 Air-con should be with maximum temperature (26 – 
28 degrees in Indian standards)

Cooling items like banana,grapes,water 

melon,cucumber etc.

Oily deep fried items,ghee,butter,cheese,jack 

fruit,burger,pizza ,red meat.


Lentils,Green peas,ground nuts,root tubers;

These above said items you should avoid or 

reduce in your daily diet. 

That itself give you 

marked relief.

And you may prefer everything hot and fresh.

For any further clarification please feel free 

to contact me or you can contact your nearest 

Herbal practitioner.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.


Thursday 2 June 2016

Diet for Pregnant Ladies..

Diet for Pregnant Ladies..

After the conception the first trimester of the pregnancy needs enough rest and nutritious food as it influence the growth of the Baby. 

First month due to the Nausea and Vomiting can’t take the food properly in most of the cases. 

Less food but should prefer very rich in Calorie value.

 A pregnant lady needs extra 300 Kcl per day,it can get from one glass milk,one banana and one boiled egg on daily basis.

Food should be well cooked,light and easily digestible. 

Can prefer more vegetables especially green leafy vegetables.

 Also can take different types of beans which supplements the proteins and vitamins.

Should take a glass of milk in the morning and evening,if you are getting bloating or gas problem then the milk can be boil with a piece of dried ginger for some time it will help to control the problem. 

Fruits and gooseberry is good for anemic conditions. 

Drumstick leaf juice with honey can be taken if the blood pressure aggravates during pregnancy.

Another common problem during pregnancy is constipation,some time may lead to piles also.

If you can take more vegetables,fruits and whole grain rice or wheat will help to reduce the difficulties.

 Drink plenty of thin butter milk and add more small onion along with vegetables,it will ease the condition.

Should reduce in take of salt during pregnancy and the frozen food,spicy food,oily deep fried items etc. 

Vegetables and fruits should wash with luke warm water mix with salt and turmeric powder in order to remove the pesticides.

Can avoid the tea and coffee and take more tender coconut water,fruit juices,thin butter milk and rice soup also beneficial. 

Boiled water with roasted rice(malar) will help to reduce the nausea. 

Pomegranate juice also good to avoid nausea and vomiting.

 Pomegranate is good to avoid anemia too. Drinking water can be boil with coriander seeds.

Should avoid colored and carbonated beverages,papaya,pineapple and cabbage.

 Pregnant ladies should take food on time should not leave stomach empty.

 Can walk a few distance will be good to avoid gas trouble and constipation especially after dinner and it will promte digestion.
For getting more information contact your ayurveda physician.
Thank You for Reading and Sharing my Blog Posts.


Sunday 29 May 2016

Brief about Eye Diseases - Conjunctivitis

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

How to manage Conjunctivitis:

The common symptoms are;

Itching eyes,
Feeling like some foreign bodies in the eyes,
excess sticky and watery discharge in the eyes,
slightly paining,
difficulty in keep open the eyes,
feels tightness of the muscles around the eyes,
burning sensation in the eyes,
mild swelling on the eye lids,
mild head ache and fever,
reddish discoloration in the eyes,
difficulty with direct light etc.. are the common symptoms in conjunctivitis.

How to prevent the spreading;

Wash your hands often when doing other job once you got infected,

Wear sun glass or plain glass to protect spreading the virus.

Should not use the articles like towels and soap etc. which is using by the infected person,

Try to keep distance from the infected person.

Do’s ;

Wash your eyes with fresh water at least ten times daily,

Add more vegetables in your daily diet,
Take plenty of fruits,

Wipe out your eyes with a cotton piece dipped in Luke warm water,

Give enough rest to your eyes,by closing your eyes gently.

Make sure 8 hours sleep at night,

Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily,

Symptoms may persists up to 5- 7 days time.


Avoid spicy,oily fried items in your daily diet,

Avoid Chicken,eggs,beef,curd and pickle,

Avoid Day time sleep,

Avoid using TV and Computers more 10min time in 3 hours period,

Should not use the spectacles which others used,

Simple Health Tips;

Drinking water should be boil with Coriander seeds, 10 gms seeds boil with 2 liter water for 20 min,filter and store and drink Luke warm frequently.

Take mild laxative at bed time; 10 gms Vara choornam mix with 60 ml hot water to be taken at bed time.

Boil 300 ml water with 15 gms of varachoornam filter it well repeatedly for three times,allow to cool pour in the eyes gently twice in a day morning and evening – should not be done during hot sun.

Followed by pour 5 ml pure breast milk in both eyes,twice daily.

If your not feeling comfortable with these tips consult your doctor for further advise.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips


Saturday 28 May 2016

Thursday 26 May 2016

Causes for Back Pain

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Good Morning everybody,

It is a very lovely Friday morning,
 as usual i woke to post my blogs and just now i got first phone call today  from one my patient at Chennai, 

she was telling couldn't sleep last night because of the sever back pain. 

She want to know the causes for Lower Back Pain.

 I Suggested her consult the doctor, go for an U.S.G Abdomen test there in the morning and send me the report soon.

I just want to confirm whether there is any Kidney stone or not?

Lower back Pain may occur due to the following reasons too.

Urinary Stone,
Irregular Periods ,
Uterine Fibroid,
Ovarian Cysts,
Cysts or growth in the vertebral column,
Chronic constipation,
Hemorrhoids or Piles etc.

These above said conditions also may be the causative factor for Back Pain.

According to Ayurveda,

 when anything interrupts the free flow of the wind energy in the body in the downward direction may cause the aches and pains in the body. 

Abdomen is the largest hollow space in the body.

 So anything related with wind disorders will reflect in and around the abdominal area at first.

So the Back Pain patients suffering above said issues should be treated at the earliest.

 Consult your doctor for more details.

Thank You.


Monday 23 May 2016

Ayurveda - How it works on Human Body?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we are going to discuss about the Basic principles of ayurveda and how it works on the human body to rejuvenate the body and attains the balance hence resulting the cure of the illness.

Ayurveda; the science of life believes that anything under the sun and moon they are either of hot potency or of cold potency means everything can make heat or cold by the influence of sun or moon.

This is the base of ayurveda. Yesterday I explained about the five element theory and Three life forces in the body.

We start with the details of sun:

 It is very hot when sun become powerful by noon the dehydration is happening,fire element in the body aggravating its nature.

 So the Pitha dosha will be dominant in the noon time. 

Same way during the “sarath rithu” in this season the fire element will be ruling the entire atmosphere.

 So we getting the diseases due to the vitiated fire element (Pitha Dosha).

Pitha dosha mainly affecting the digestive system,circulatory system,it controls the vision,blood related disorders etc..these are some of the examples.

The basic properties of the fire element told in Sanskrit texts are as follows;

“pitham sasneha theekshnoshnam laghu visram saram dravam” (sanskrit slogan)

It can circulate,very hot,light,foul-smelling,liquid form,can flow,slightly unctuous .

Here when we get a disease due to the raised and vitiated pitha dosha or fire element we have to apply the herbs which are of opposite properties. 

When the fire burns we pour water in order to stop the fire as the water having just opposite properties to fire.

 Same way to treat pitha or fire aggravated disease we apply the medicines made of the herbs which are opposite to fire element .


It is cold . 

When the moon influencing our body the vatha or wind element and Kapha or water element will be aggravating. 

Vatha and kapha both are cold where the pitha is hot.

The difference between vatha and kapha ,even though both are cold ,the wind element the
vatha is very light ,moving,rough, hard,minute, and cold

Kapha is very heavy ,dense,unctuous,slow and cold in nature.

The water element will be aggravating in the early morning hours and during the winter.

It will aggravate the phlegm in the body. 

We may get the diseases like, phlegm accumulation in the chest and head region,bronchial asthma,high cholesterol,cardiac blockages,obesity,migraine,sinusitis etc..

Here,to treat these conditions we are applying the herbs which are of hot potency. 

Some examples for the herbs which are of hot potency – Piper nigrum(pepper), Piper longum(Thippali), Calotropis(erukku) etc..

According to ayurveda we can treat any diseased condition by applying just opposite properties.

We Analyse the patient by signs and symptoms. 

In Ayurveda texts it explained three methods to diagnose a patient.

“Darshana,sparsana,prasnaihe parikshetha cha roginam”.(Sanskrit slogan) 

That means by seeing the patient and the affected areas,by the touch and feel the affected part whether it is cold or hot etc. 

And asking the patient about the symptoms just like when it started where is it affecting,when it will be aggravating etc..

I know you can't grasp it exactly isn't it? Ok I can understand so we will stop today. I gone bit deep into the subject.

 Don't worry,will be easy when it come to the practical application area.

Thank you for reading . 

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