Friday 22 August 2014

Basic Principles and Concepts of "Ayurveda" and how it works on the Human Body

Hello Readers,

Today we are going to discuss about the Basic principles of ayurveda and how it works on the human body to rejuvenate the body and attains the balance hence resulting the cure of the illness.

Ayurveda; the science of life believes that anything under the sun and moon they are either of hot potency or of cold potency means everything can make heat or cold by the influence of sun or moon.

This is the base of ayurveda. 

Yesterday I explained about the five element theory and Three life forces in the body.

We start with the details of sun: It is very hot when sun become powerful by noon the dehydration is happening,fire element in the body aggravating its nature.

 So the Pitha dosha will be dominant in the noon time. 

Same way during the “sarath rithu” in this season the fire element will be ruling the entire atmosphere. 

So we getting the diseases due to the vitiated fire element (Pitha Dosha).

Pitha dosha mainly affecting the digestive system,circulatory system,it controls the vision,blood related disorders etc..these are some of the examples.

The basic properties of the fire element told in Sanskrit texts are as follows;
“pitham sasneha theekshnoshnam laghu visram saram dravam” (sanskrit slogan)

It can circulate,very hot,light,foul-smelling,liquid form,can flow,slightly unctuous .

Here when we get a disease due to the raised and vitiated pitha dosha or fire element we have to apply the herbs which are of opposite properties. 

When the fire burns we pour water in order to stop the fire as the water having just opposite properties to fire. 

Same way to treat pitha or fire aggravated disease we apply the medicines made of the herbs which are opposite to fire element .

It is cold . When the moon influencing our body the vatha or wind element and Kapha or water element will be aggravating. 

Vatha and kapha both are cold where the pitha is hot.

The difference between vatha and kapha ,even though both are cold ,the wind element the
vatha is very light ,moving,rough, hard,minute, and cold

Kapha is very heavy ,dense,unctuous,slow and cold in nature.

The water element will be aggravating in the early morning hours and during the winter.

It will aggravate the phlegm in the body.

 We may get the diseases like, phlegm accumulation in the chest and head region,bronchial asthma,high cholesterol,cardiac blockages,obesity,migraine,sinusitis etc..
Here,to treat these conditions we are applying the herbs which are of hot potency.

 Some examples for the herbs which are of hot potency – Piper nigrum(pepper), Piper longum(Thippali), Calotropis(erukku) etc..

According to ayurveda we can treat any diseased condition by applying just opposite properties.

We Analyse the patient by signs and symptoms.

In Ayurveda texts it explained three methods to diagnose a patient.

“Darshana,sparsana,prasnaihe parikshetha cha roginam”.(Sanskrit slogan)

That means by seeing the patient and the affected areas,by the touch and feel the affected part whether it is cold or hot etc.

 And asking the patient about the symptoms just like when it started where is it affecting,when it will be aggravating etc..

I know you can't grasp it exactly isn't it? Ok I can understand so we will stop today.

 I gone bit deep into the subject.

 Dont worry,will be easy when it come to the practical application area.

Thank you so much for reading my blog.

 Please Like my Facebook page Dr.Xavier’s Ayur Clinic for regular updates.


Thursday 21 August 2014

The Basic Concepts of "Ayurveda" the science of Life.

Hello Readers,

Ayurveda The Ancient Science of Life believes and proves everything in this universe made of the five elements called Space,Air,Fire,Water and Earth that is Akasha,vayu,agni,jalam and bhoomi.

In the human body these five elements comprised into three life forces called vatha,pitha and kapha.
Kapha Dosha is made of Earth and water element.
Pitha Dosha is made of Fire element.
Vatha Dosha is made of Air and Space element.

Then the next is seven major constituents of Body called “saptha Dhathus”
They are as follows – Rasa,Raktha,Mamsa,Meda,Asthi,Majja and Sukra.

And the next is the waste materials which is eliminating out from the body after digestion of food and turning into seven body constituents one after another. And finally the waste throwing out asSweda(sweat),Moothra(urine),Pureesha(stools).

So we can say these are the major part of our body,that is Three Doshas,Seven Dhathus and Three Malas.

The above said five elements are the basic elements in the universe as everything is made out of these but in different proportion.

The Three Doshas in the human body also varies the person to person it can be in seven forms according to the text “ashtanga hrudayam” they are as follows;
Vatha type
Pitha type
Kapha Type,
Vatha -Pitha type
Vatha- kapha type,
Pitha -Kapha type
Vatha- Pitha- Kapha type.

according to their dosha constitution level they change in size,shape,complexion,voice,Luck,behavior,attitude, fear of God, Likes and Dislikes, Diseases prone to,etc..
The above said nature we can access by seeing,touching,from the words,voice etc..

The Three “malas” that is the waste materials which eliminating out after the food assimilation. In a healthy person these three has also have to work properly. It shows the perfect health.

They are – Sweat ,Urine,and stools. (Sweda,moothra andPureesha)

Thank you for reading and we will be in touch for further discussion.


The Origin and Spread of Ayurveda - The Science of Life

Hi Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we think a bit about the history of Ayurveda -  the origin and spread of “Ayurveda” the science of life.
 ‘Ayur’ means Life and ‘veda’ means Science.

Ayurveda- its a 5000 years plus old science. As old as the Vedic Period.

 Ancient Indian philosophy says that the creator “Brahma” created the entire universe and all the living beings here in this earth.

 They lived very peacefully amicably and healthy too.
 Lately by the time upon their bad deeds,pollution,bad qualities and actions, the man kind affected many kinds of diseases.

 Then the creator Brahma remembered and recollected from his mind,passed the science of life to heal the world  to the ancient sages of India.

They passed over generation by generation finally through Lord Indran,Aswins,Athreya then Susrutha and Charaka .

 They made their own tretises named “Sushrutha Samhitha” by Susruth acharya and “Charaka Samhitha” by Charaka Acharya.

 Sushrutha samhita more on to the surgical branch (Shalyathanthra) where as Charaka samhitha explained well about the Kayachikitsa(general medicine). 

Vagbhata Acharya who learned from both of these texts  made his text named Ashtanga hrudayam. Which dealt in eight branches.

 Vagbata Acharya travelled all over India to spread this science of life ,finally he reached  Kerala ,lived here some time and died here.

 That may be one of the reason this science is still very sound in Kerala,south India.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs and join for the Spread of Ayurveda.

Thank you.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Brief about Fatty Liver

Hi Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will just look into the details of another common problem “Fatty Liver”
Those days it is told fatty liver commonly seen only in drunkards but nowadays it is quiet common even in Non- Alcoholic people and Ladies too.

The Reasons may be the recent tendencies to have the Non-veg food stuff in excess quantity.

 Generally we take very rich food when compare to last decades-Oily,Deep fried,Red meat,Junk food,frequent eating,Diary products,Ghee,Butter,Cheese etc.

When we have the faty and oily stuff in excess quantity Liver can’t purify the circulatory sysytem completely.

 Hence it sediments in the long run and shows the early fatty changes then fatty liver leading into Cholelythiasis, Cirrosis, haepatomegaly etc.

 And even Carcinoma of the Liver. And they are more prone to get conditions like Jaundice,Hepatitis etc.

The unsafe pesticides and fertilizers in the fruits and vegetables.

 Hormones and even antibiotics in excess amount seen in the poultry and meat,injected to grow faster and weigh more.

The solutions are Reduce or cut completely the Oily,diary,Fatty,Non- Veg food stuffs depending upon the severity of the condition.

Stay away from Alcohol.

Make sure enough exercises regularly. 

At least 20 to 30 min walk to sweat. Yoga,jogging,etc.. to burn the calories.

In addition to that make sure having at least 400 to 600 gms of rich  fiber containing vegetables and fruits in a Day.

Simple Health Tip:
Take 20 gm of tender leaf paste of Risinis Communis plant (Avannakku) mixed with pure goat's milk every morning in empty stomach.

Avoid taking too much spicy,sour,salty and oily food stuff especially Pickles during these days.

In Ayurveda there is a lot of detailed treatment procedures explained very well to treat the various types of Liver disorders.

Goosberry and Dry grapes also good for the above said conditions.

Read my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips,Watch my Travel Videos – Share and Subscribe too.

Hope this write up will give a brief idea about the condition. Need your comments and feed backs.

Thank You  for your time.

For more Ayurveda Health Tips, Google search  'Dr Xavier Ayurveda'


Monday 18 August 2014

Acidity - Tips to Control

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Here is a list of simple Health Tips which help to control the Acidity.

Acidity has got a well defined link with the mind.

When the mind is calm,the digestive secretions will be in a very balanced state.

 So the mind power exercises will be definitely helpful. 

Yoga and meditation will do wonders.

 Can try out the "Pranayama" sessions.

Practice timely food in take.

 Stomach should not leave empty during the regular diet schedule.

 The digestive enzymes and acids will work on a timely rhythm.

 If there is nothing to digest then it will work on the intestinal mucous lining.

 After a prolonged period it will lead to the ulceration of the stomach wall.

 As the acid secretions continues it is very difficult to heal the intestinal ulcer it can even lead to the cancerous conditions.

This condition should be treated at the earliest.

In Ayurveda texts explained many combinations which works as the alkali.

 Hence it balances the acid reflex.

Thin butter milk boiled with turmeric powder,curry leaves and garlic will help,we can add the external sheath of the pomegranate fruit also. It is very good effective.

Ayurveda physicians usually prescribes the 

"Dadimashtaka choornam" + Honey to be taken twice daily before food. (Consult your Physician for further advise)

 The main ingredient is the shell cover of the  pomegranate fruit.

Hope these simple write up give you a brief about the condition.

 Thank You for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.


Acidity - Signs and Symptoms

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

             When you caught into the Acidity line you may feel the following symptoms all together or a few. 

Chest burn,
Acid reflex,
Short temperament,
Loosing your concentration,
Foul smell from the mouth,
Yellowish green discoloration on the tongue and leaving burn like marks on the tongue partially, 
Loss of taste (anorexia),
Excess thirst or hunger often,
Feeling to pass motion just after having the food,
Throw out a yellowish fluid in the morning when brushing teeth,
Feel relief after having food,
Symptoms aggravates with spicy food,

In the later stages patient getting symptoms even when taking apples or cucumber.

These are the common symptoms patients presenting in the Clinic usually.

According to Ayurveda these symptoms leads to the conditions like Amlapitham,Grahani,Bhasmakam,Parinamasoola etc..
Consult your Physician for further advise.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing Blogs on Health Tips.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S 

Sunday 17 August 2014

Precautions During the Monsoon Season

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

In Kerala the Monsoon this year bit heavy.

 There are chances for Viral fever,Allergy,Bronchial asthma,Rheumatic Complaints etc.

The atmosphere turns contaminated,rivers,wells and other water resources too in a threat.

Most of the diseases spreading through polluted water.
As a precaution we should use boiled water,water should boil at least for 20 minutes time.

 Even if we use filter again we have to boil it.

Will help to kill the unwanted germs and viruses.

Wells and other water resources can purify with bleaching powder and potassium per magnate depending on the condition.

Food also can take warm and fresh.
Wash the hands with mild soap liquids.

Keep up the personnel hygiene with all the measures.

Don't take  out side food which prepare and sell in unhygienic conditions.

Prefer well cocked,light and easily digestible food especially during the monsoon season.

Prefer more vegetables and fruits which contains more fiber.

Reduce or avoid Non- vegetarian food stuff especially meat and fish during monsoon.

Keep up the proper waste management with utmost care.  

Mosquitoes are the other major carriers of viruses. 

As a protective measure clear off the blockages of waste water.

 Deep wells and other water storage tanks should be covered tightly to protect the spread of mosquitoes.

 Unwanted plastic containers and other such materials may collect the waste water and chance for growing the eggs of mosquitoes. 

The cold weather and water particles in the atmosphere will help to grow and spread the viruses easily.

Smoking with herbs and dried Neem (Azardracta Indica) leaf will work as natural germicidal.

 In ancient texts it is suggested to smoke with herbs in the bedrooms and dresses too.

You can use mild germicides to clean the toilets and even for kitchen utensils. 

Keep covering  the mouth with hands when sneeze and cough.

Always keep a towel when we caught of cold and cough it will control the spread of viruses.

Hugging and shaking hands to greet each other should be careful.

Should not dump the waste in open and public spaces. It should be properly destroyed. 

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

 For more Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips please Google Search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda' and Like my pages.


Friday 15 August 2014

Common Causes for Acidity and Gastritis... Dr.T.Xavier


Now days there is a huge increase in number of acidity patients day by day.

The Reasons may be...

The latest trends in the food habits.
The various mode of mental stress and strain increased when comparing to the previous decades.
Depending more on the chemically derived formulations and prescriptions for instant relief lately becoming addicted to a number of tablets in regular practice.
Depending more on over the counter products without proper advise from a qualified doctor.
The purity of water is another issue – we are getting chemically treated water even for cooking.
Excess usage of Pesticides and  fertilizers in the fruits and vegetables.
Hormones and even antibiotics in excess measure which found in the meat and poultry.
Unhealthy colors and preservatives in the junk food.
People started moving long distances as a part of  their routine job so different weather and different dietary habits also affecting the digestive system badly.
Restaurants other food selling counters not keeping the complete guide lines from health control department in the Personnel hygiene,cleanliness and waste disposal.
Using the Ajinomotto,MSG and such kind of stuff in the food for the color smell taste and long storage.
Smoking and Excess Alcohol intake.
These above said points may be the direct lead to the Acidity and Gastritis.


Monday 11 August 2014

All Human Body Type are One and The Same? - "NO"

Hi Readers,

Do You Know,according to modern science the human body may classify as male,female,child and old aged. Its depends on the age and sex.

Ancient Text "Ashtang Hrudaya" by Vagbhata Acharya classifies the human body upon the domination of the five elements in the body as follows.

Vatha Prakruthi;  That is the wind element dominating body type.

Pitha Prakruthi;   Fire element dominating body type

Kapha Prakruthi;  Water element dominating body type

Vatha - Pitha Prakruthi;  Wind and Fire Dominating type

Vatha - Kapha Prakruthi; Wind and Water element dominating body type

Pitha - Kapha - prakuthi  Fire and Water dominating body type


Vatha - Pitha - Kapha prakruthi; 
and finally all of the three elements balanced type.

And all the individual will deffer each other upon the ruling element power which influence their  complexion,height,weight,gate,nature,voice,thinking,digestion,attitudes,luck,believe on God,way of approach,prosperity,living status and standards,diseases prone to etc. from birth to death.

So an ayurvedic physician diagnosing the patient with the above said characters and symptoms of the diseases. He need a through knowledge in the science of different body constitution which explained very well in the basic texts of Ayurveda. An expert can add on and confirm the body type and nature of illness by the pulse reading too.

To treat the disease condition he has to have the deep knowledge about the plants which are also made of these five elements.  And he fixing the concoctions made of a set of herbs which can balance the elevated element in the Body. Hence resulting the cure of the disease.

Read and Share. Thank You.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Sore Throat - Simple Tips

Hi Readers and my Dear Patients,

These days the weather affecting many of us very badly,when you feel a kind of sore throat and aches and pains in the body.

 It is the preliminary symptom to catch the common cold and may even lead to viral flu .

 So you have to do something at the very beginning itself.

 Here is a simple tip as you all know very well,it is very good effective but you have to do on the day one itself.

 You may have a "crunchy" feel with itching sensation and harsh voice some time with little phlegm too, in your throat.

 Immediately you go for the Hot Saline Water Gargle for a few times. It will ease the condition. 

How to do it?

Take half a glass of hot water add one teaspoon of common salt stir well and Gargle for 3 minutes,do it repeatedly 3-5 times in a day in equal intervals. 

On the next stage you may feel feverish and Loss of appetite; now you have to take a simple home made concoction with spices from your kitchen .

1. Dry ginger

2. Cumin Seeds

3. Pepper
4. Garlic 
5. Tulsi Leaves (Azardiracta Indica) - If available.

Take 10 Gms each (approximately) wash and crush it,boil with one liter water reduce to 250 ML strain and keep in a flask,have it frequently 50 ML each and finish it over the day.

Take some light food, noodle soup or rice porridge with out any ghee or oily stuff  or even skip a meal;go for fasting-will be remarkable.

Avoid head bath,take enough rest.

If you found all these above said do not work, consult your physician for better advise upon the condition of the disease and patient.

That's all for today. Thank You.