Thursday 18 May 2017

Fatty Liver - Simple Tips

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Here's  some Simple Tips to protect your Liver.

1. Avoid Alcohol

2. Avoid Starch in your daily diet

3. Reduce your body weight

4. Walk four kilometers a day

5. Drink Plenty of water, preferably Lemon water

6. Eat plenty of vegetables - fresh vegetable juices

7. Eat more fruits, nuts and dry fruits as well

8. Practise Hata yoga, especially the Sun salutation ( soorya Namaskaram)

9. Add the palantine inner stem in your daily diet

10. Take 20 gms tender leaf paste  of the plant Ricinus Communis (Gandharvahastha) early morning in empty stomach every day.

For more Ayurveda Health Tips Google Search  'Dr Xavier Ayurveda'.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs,

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S