Monday 3 March 2014

How Weather Influencing Our Body ?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we discuss,how the weather influencing the human body, when the cold season ends and it stared getting warm.

Ponds,rivers,wells,Dams,paddy fields and everywhere the water level going down day by day. The atmosphere turning dusty and hot.

At this stage our body also undergoing a lot of changes and chance for spreading a lot of communicable diseases as it is a "rithu sandhi" means a junction of two adjacent months or period with two entirely different weather.

 Our body will respond accordingly as the body cant stand the changes.

 In the cold season "kapha" the water element was dominating,the power of the sun was less on the body and the body influencing by the moon during the cold period.

 But when it becomes hotter the influence of the moon becomes lesser and lesser eventually sun started ruling. 

The kapha Dosha or the water energy was in a stagnant stage during the cold season by the influence of the Moon and now, when the sun becomes powerful the stagnant Kapha getting melted and tend to spread all over the body. 

According to Ayurveda this stage is called the "Chaya avastha".

 At this stage itself we should try to pacify the kapha dhosha hence we can control the kapha dosha vitiation and prevent the diseases of that origin - cough,phlegm accumulation, fever,cold,sneezing,allergies, asthma ,skin problems etc. 

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