Monday 10 March 2014

Diet Restrictions During the early Summer...

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

I am here again,just to remind you about the Diet Restrictions During the Early Summer.

"Summer is very tempting for us to eat frozen and 

foods stored in refrigerators. 

This could be due to the heat 

and exhaustion experienced by our mind and 

body." My advice is avoid cold and frozen food 

even when your mind cries out for it during these 

periods for they are very harmful".

 As i explained in my previous blog it is the period where the aggravation of the  water element at its own seat ( Kapha Dosha Chaya avastha- in Ayurveda words) In this season the stagnant Kapha dosha is melting and tend to spread all over the body.

 So if we taking the Kapha or the water dominating elements excessively it will leads to the vitiation of the kapha dosha(water element) hence resulting the corresponding state of illnesses. 

Here i am going to explain the diet and lifestyle which leads to the kapaha dosha vitiation and what are all the forms of illnesses affecting with aggravated kapha. 


1.Day time sleep
2.Heavy food stuff
3.Food which are of cold potency
4.Fatty food
5.Oily food
7.Diary products excessively

    Daytime sleep directly aggravating the kapha Dosha in the body.

 Food which are heavy to digest also will cause the same,it makes the digestive fire sluggish.

 Cold potency or seetha veerya food also resulting the same as it is the similar property of the kapha dosha.

 The characteristics of kapha dosha are 






the following food are of the above nature,
Ghee,Butter,Cheese,oils,sweets,fatty food,deep fried items,pork,lamb,ice creams,cool drinks etc..

With these above said items you may feel good at the moment but lately end of the month it is going to hit you with the following symptoms

cold,fever,sneezing,allergies,asthma,rheumatic fever,elevating the serum cholesterol levels,excess phlegm in the chest,head aches etc..

  So we can go with the light and easily digestible food,well cooked items,grilled,vegetable soups,especially soup based dinner,wines moderately,fruits (more citrus and less grapes&bananas),everything in room temperature preferred. 

  Brisk walking preferred,especially after dinner. No strenuous exercises recommended in this season.

 During the summer the sun is the dominant power which will take out the power and energy from the body to the nature hence in ayurveda it is said to be the Adana kala(the nature grasping the power from the body).

    In ayurvedic texts these above said points explained as "vasantha rithu charya".

In this article a few things to note:

1.Kapha dosha means the earth and water energy of the body

2.The diseases i mentioned,the patients who all suffers the same must be taken care.

3.It doesn't mean these above said diseases occurring only due to this food and lifestyle,there are so many other factors also involving to manifest the diseases.  

4.The season i am talking about the area where started getting hot after the cold weather now.

Anything else to discuss? you are always welcome. 

For more about Ayurveda health tips, please google search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda' and Like my pages.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.