Monday 24 February 2014

Pepper - Medicinal value of Peper


Botanical name:Piper Nigrum

In sanskrit it is known as "maricham"

Malayalam name is kurumulaku.

it is one among our powerful medicine list from the kitchen.

 It is very hot in potency.

 Ayurveda texts says it is very hot,light and very potent after the digestion.

 So it help to subside the vatha and kapha- wind and water element in the body.
 Hence it causes the aggravation of the pitha - fire energy in the body.

In case of Indigestion, take one teaspoon ginger juice,half teaspoon honey,one pinch asafoetida powder and one pinch pepper powder mix all these very well and take twice daily after food. 

It will promote good appetite.

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