Monday 27 January 2014

Hemorrhoids - Dos and Don'ts

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

The Piles causing by;

hereditary factors plays a major role.

It is affecting in many ways,

mood swinging, Short temperament, anxiety, doubtful,hyper active,bloating,gas trouble,constipation, aches and pains in lower back and legs. 

Mainly hitting the people who works long hours continuously on sitting posture; Long driving Lorry drivers, Bank employees, Software developers etc.


Internal, external,bleeding,painful,protruding etc.

Aggravating food stuff which have to avoid;

Chicken, eggs, beef,pickle and curd and reduce the spicy food and oily deep fried items.

Prefer food stuff which pacifies the symptoms;

Thin butter milk 2 - 3 liters in a day. 

Add more onion in diet. You can take the raw onion after peeling the skin along with or with out rice.
 Or you can slice it (4-5) and fried in ghee can be taken just before lunch and dinner.

Take more green leafy vegetables,spinach, cucumber,long beans, bitter gourd,  water melon,grapes,apples,small bananas etc.

Drink plenty of water at least 2 liter in a day

 Yoga and meditation will help to calming the mind.

In sever painful condition one or two garlic crush it , boil with water and do sit bath in lukewarm. 

In the later stages have to take internal herbal medication from a qualified doctor,types of surgical correction also suggested.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

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