Thursday 23 January 2014

Diet Regime when treating the Diseases

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today i just want to mention about a few things which strike my mind this morning,when the Ayurveda doctors and naturopaths prescribes they usually stressing a lot on the diet and lifestyle of the patient. 

And the patients are strongly misunderstanding that,the Ayurveda physician control or adjust the diet habits just because of the medicine they taking in, Actually it is a great misunderstanding. 

Ayurveda believes and proves the five element principle (Pancha bootha) and three energy (Thridosha) theory.

The disease is happening in the body just because of the Imbalance of the Thridosha principles or the three energy principle.

 In order to clear the imbalance and attain the equilibrium we are prescribing the herbal medicines which works just opposite to the elevated energies in the body.

 Our body is influenced by the weather,diet,lifestyle,thinking and many more. 

Our Body is what we eat.

 Our mind is what we think.

 The natural herbs are of very mild potency.

 So we have to follow all the way which is working opposite to the elevated or imbalanced energy in the body.

 Hence we can achieve the equilibrium faster and get rid from the Diseases easily. 

If we follow the diet and regimes which will help the diseases to spread again and again then what is the use of treating the diseases with herbs which are not good to taste and expensive also. 

As i said earlier Ayurveda herbs are of very less potency  than the chemical combinations which harms the body.

 Herbs are growing and it has got life so it cannot be harmful generally.

 There are poisonous plants also rarely but we will have the purification methods also,told by the ancient sages. 

Ayurveda cleansing the body attaining the energy equilibrium,rejuvenating the body,boosting the immunity of the body and hence get rid from the diseases.

 In Ayurveda it is treating the body not the disease. So it will take some time to get the cure.

Modern system concentrating on the diseases do the researches and finding the combination which works against the particular agent which causing the disease.

 And applying directly so it works faster. But it may affecting the other systems of the body.  

Ayurveda is natural,herbal,safe,no side effects.
we can discuss further...

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S