Saturday 7 December 2013

The Wind Element and the human body

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

These days we been discussing about the "wind " element.

 In the ancient Sanskrit scriptures calling the wind element as the Vatha.

It is one among the three life forces in the human body.

 The other two are the Pitha and Kapha which are of the fire and water element respectively.

 These three elements wind fire and water that is the Vatha Pitha and Kapha are the life forces of human body.

These three Doshas or energies must be in a balanced state always then there is no diseases.

 When the equilibrium of these three energies breaks,the diseases occurring.

To maintain the balance we have to apply the opposite properties.

 I will explain in detail here.

The vatha dosha or the wind energy constitutes of the ether or space element and air element makes the vatha dosha.

 I told the properties of the wind element in last blog such as 

rough,light,cold,hard,minute and moving - it is the basic characters of vatha dosha or wind energy.

I am repeating just because,i want you to be very clear about it,ok?.

When these above said properties aggravates in the body or decreases in the body it cause the imbalance and forming the disease. 

The opposite properties to the Vatha Dosha are as follows..

Rough - Smooth

Light - Heavy
Cold - Hot
Hard - Soft
Minute - Big ( Heavy or Dense)
Moving - Still ( Stagnant)

When apply the opposite properties to the vatha or wind energy it will be balanced and disease caused by the excess wind energy will be no more.

Hope you are following, just go through the lines above and make sure you are clear.

 We will continue.....

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S