Thursday 12 December 2013

Diet for Rheumatic patients

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we are discussing again about the diet for Rheumatic patients.....

As i said earlier the rheumatism is due to elevated wind element in the body.

 These people will have the lacing of proper body fluids and lubricants in the body tissues,as the elevated wind element dries up the entire body.

 The Ancient sanskrit text AshtangaHrudayam says "Thathra rooksha"  that is the vatha dosha - the wind element is dry in nature.

Wind nature person or a person with wind aggravated disease will have very sluggish digestive power,so they will have tendency for constipation, hard stools, bloating, gas trouble, burping, sleep disorders, short temperament, piles, low memory power because of lac of concentration, crackling noise from the joints, Numbness and stiffness of limbs, they are weak, tiresome, easily getting irritated, dryness on skin, harsh in voice, cant withstand the cold etc.

 They usually presents any or most of the above said symptoms.

In their diet,they should prefer everything hot, light and easily digestible, well cooked food.

Oily deep fried items, heavy stuff, red meat, greasy,oily,diary, raw- salads etc are not for them.

Let them prefer soup based dinner,break fast must be very light,they can have a heavy lunch.

 They must make sure keep up the three meals a day.

 If the stomach left empty  then there is chance for accumulation of gas.

 Again will result in aches and pains.

we will continue....
Thank You for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S