Friday 29 November 2013

The five Elements and Human body

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Good Morning,today we will discuss about how the Five Elements connected with our body:

Ether or Space element,

relates to the mouth,nostrils,thorax,
 abdomen,respiratory tract,cells and sound,

The Air is connected to the Muscles,

actions of lungs and intestines,cell movement and touch.

The fire element is connected to,

it fuels the enzyme functioning,
intelligence,the digestive system,
metabolism and vision.

The water element,

it governs the plasma,blood,saliva,
digestive juices,cytoplasm,
mucous membranes and taste.

The Earth element,

Manifests the bones,nails,teeth,muscles,cartilage,
tendons,skin,hair and nose.

we will discuss further.....

Thank you for Reading and Sharing,

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S