Friday 22 November 2013

Ayurveda - Five Element Theory

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Ayurveda science says,everything in this universe made of the five Basic Elements called

1.Space or Ether
2. Air
4.water and

All are made of these five elements,its is there in each every substance in the universe our human body also the same but in different proportions.

 So every stuff vary in its color,hard,soft,thick,light,heavy,height,short, long,character etc..

In the human body it can be dominantly can say air fire water type- in Sanskrit the Vatha Pitha and Kapha.

These thridosha (three body principles) must be in a balanced state in the body.

 When the equilibrium breaks it is the imbalanced state and disease is occurring.

To treat this condition or to achieve the balance back,we have to apply the opposite principle hence attain the balance and the disease is no more.

Each of these five element has got its own characters and properties.

we will discuss in the coming editions.

Have a nice day.

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S