Friday 22 November 2013

Stock trading strategies...

Hi guys,
I think you all may be very upset these days because of the highly volatile market,very confused where to go what to do? Even with the market trend also we cant fix anything.
Don't Worry.
I would suggest you the sense, please don't go with so many confusing  analysis reports. You follow any one or two tools .You can also check the fundamentals of the particular stock. Then of course must aware about the news. News not only about the particular stock, news which affecting the sector and general issues affecting the market - national as well as international .

I found a few things about the market - which no body can predict anything,no news are perfect and completely reliable. So go simple. These days i was just tried only with RSI (Relative strength Index). I set 80 and 20 lines and was just watching the trend. In a uptrend market i prefer to buy and in down trend market i preferred  to sell but selling only when the RSI crossing the 80 mark and covers when it touches the 30.

On a bullish market i bought when RSI touched 20 mark and sell at 70 line. It was ended up with  a profit most of the time or with no loss at least.
I was doing with my all time favorite stock SBI.
Another thing i want to mention, i set a sell or covering rate at 0.35% on my trade rate ,it was the average difference we can expect without any risk. In case of SBI we can expect 6 or 7 Rupees per share per trade. The quantity you can fix upon your holding capacity.
I felt its very simple and going to stick on the same for the future till i get any new ideas- surely i will come back to you.
Will you please share with me your views on this comment?
 Thank you so much.