Showing posts with label JAUNDICE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAUNDICE. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 September 2014


                                                                      (Grape Plant)

Botanical Name: Vitis Vinifera
Sanskrit Name:   Draksha
English Name:    Grapes
Malayalam Name: Munthiri
Parts Used: Fruits fresh and Dried.

Laxative,Diuretic and Cooling the body. And also a very good blood purifier.
It is one among the chief content in "Draksharishtam" "Drakshadi Kashayam" and "Drakshadi leham" among the ayurvedic medicines.
It is useful in anemia,dyspepsia and disuria. 

It is very good effective for the constipation in infants during the teething etc. Give one teaspoon grape juice morning and evening will work.
It is suggested as an expectorant when take with other ayurvedic herbs. Also used to treat jaundice along with other medications depending upon the condition.
For further clarification contact your ayurveda physician.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs.
Best Regards.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Brief about Fatty Liver

Hi Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will just look into the details of another common problem “Fatty Liver”
Those days it is told fatty liver commonly seen only in drunkards but nowadays it is quiet common even in Non- Alcoholic people and Ladies too.

The Reasons may be the recent tendencies to have the Non-veg food stuff in excess quantity.

 Generally we take very rich food when compare to last decades-Oily,Deep fried,Red meat,Junk food,frequent eating,Diary products,Ghee,Butter,Cheese etc.

When we have the faty and oily stuff in excess quantity Liver can’t purify the circulatory sysytem completely.

 Hence it sediments in the long run and shows the early fatty changes then fatty liver leading into Cholelythiasis, Cirrosis, haepatomegaly etc.

 And even Carcinoma of the Liver. And they are more prone to get conditions like Jaundice,Hepatitis etc.

The unsafe pesticides and fertilizers in the fruits and vegetables.

 Hormones and even antibiotics in excess amount seen in the poultry and meat,injected to grow faster and weigh more.

The solutions are Reduce or cut completely the Oily,diary,Fatty,Non- Veg food stuffs depending upon the severity of the condition.

Stay away from Alcohol.

Make sure enough exercises regularly. 

At least 20 to 30 min walk to sweat. Yoga,jogging,etc.. to burn the calories.

In addition to that make sure having at least 400 to 600 gms of rich  fiber containing vegetables and fruits in a Day.

Simple Health Tip:
Take 20 gm of tender leaf paste of Risinis Communis plant (Avannakku) mixed with pure goat's milk every morning in empty stomach.

Avoid taking too much spicy,sour,salty and oily food stuff especially Pickles during these days.

In Ayurveda there is a lot of detailed treatment procedures explained very well to treat the various types of Liver disorders.

Goosberry and Dry grapes also good for the above said conditions.

Read my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips,Watch my Travel Videos – Share and Subscribe too.

Hope this write up will give a brief idea about the condition. Need your comments and feed backs.

Thank You  for your time.

For more Ayurveda Health Tips, Google search  'Dr Xavier Ayurveda'


Wednesday 23 July 2014

Single Drug Remedies -"Keezharnelli"- Phylanthus Neruri

Medicinal Plants...

Botanical Name:Phylanthus Niruri

Family Name:   Euphorbeaceae

Sanskrit Name:  Bhumyamalaki

Malayalam Name: Kizharnelli

It is a shrub grows 15 - 30 cms height.

Benefits and Uses: (consult your physician)

It is a very good remedy for the Jaundice 

20 gms paste of the whole plant mix with goats milk to be taken early morning in empty stomach for 7 days.

 Gives marked relief in most of the cases. During the course patient should take complete bed rest.

 Should avoid oily fried and Non - veg food stuff. Spicy food also not suggested.

Can take boiled or steamed banana. Rice porridge with boiled vegetables without oils and spices.

On eighth day patient should take rice porridge with fried tamarind and roasted fenugreek seeds.

 And on ninth day early morning take purgative medicine.

The plant paste intake can be continued for better results.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

For more blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips - Google search 'Dr.Xavier Ayurveda'