Monday, 14 May 2018

Healing Fruits - Grapes by Dr.T.L.Xavier

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Healing Fruits - Grapes by Dr.T.L.Xavier.

Botanical Name:  Vitis Vinifera
Sanskrit Name:  Draksha
Malayalam Name: Munthiri

Parts used:  Fruits, Dried fruits

 Blood purifier, cooling, diuretic and laxative

 It is good for Anemia, Bilious dyspepsia, Dysuria and Constipation

Ayurveda properties:
Rasa: Madhura
Guna: snigdham, guru, mridu
Veerya: Seetham
Vipakam: madhuram

Simple tips:

Harithaki + draksha + jagrey in equal quantity to be crushed together and to be taken 10gms twice daily before food. It is good for constipation conditions.

Dried grapes good during the pregnancy period for the mother and baby.

Grapes used to prepare the medications for jaundice, anemia, constipation, blood volume, liver disorders etc..

Some of the Ayurveda medicines preparing with 

grapes as follows.. Drakshadi kashayam, 

Draksharishtam, Drakshadi Leham etc..

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S