Thursday 14 July 2016

Pregnancy and Child Birth

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Pregnancy and Child Birth
When a girl reaching puberty she should follow the Ayurveda regiments it will help to keep away the gynecological disorders and also it will help to have a normal conception,pregnancy and deliver a healthy Baby.

In Ayurveda it is very well explained the routines to follow from conception to delivery period.

 During her first pregnancy normally will have a lot of anxiety regarding the growth of the baby about the position in the uterus,how to walk,how to lay down,what all have to eat,what all the items should avoid etc. 

All those information narrated in detail in Ayurveda texts years back.

The food,rest,sleep,hygiene,dress code,regular consultation all these have its own importance during the pregnancy period.

 The complete healthy mind,body,satisfaction and happiness of the couple will affect the Baby.

Ayurveda says the end of winter season is the best time to get pregnant,because the delivery time will be ideal weather.

 For getting a healthy Baby we should plan and follow the diet and lifestyle accordingly can add the natural medication too even before conception.

 At the time of conception the mother should be very healthy, 21- 25 years of age will be most suitable age for the first pregnancy. 

Before 21st year the conception will have more chances for miscarriages,preterm labor,intrauterine growth retardation,lac of breast milk, above all the they won’t be mentally prepared for a healthy pregnancy before this age.

Ayurveda teaches very well about all these and how to manage these conditions etc in the basic Ayurveda texts like ashtanga hrudaya,charaka samhita and sushrutha samhita etc.

The most appropriate time for the conception will be from 8th day to 20th day from starting date of menstruation.

 The primary symptoms of pregnancy are; nausea,delay in menstruation date,vomiting,excess salivation in mouth,tiredness,enlargement of breasts,frequent tendency for passing urine,short temperament,desire towards certain food items etc..

During the first trimester there is chance for slight bleeding,complete bed rest needed during this stage.

Normal duration of pregnancy will be about weeks.

 6th week onward will begin to form the head and body in the uterus. 

7th week hand and legs will form,8th week onward heart beat will start.

 During the second trimester the mother can feel the movement of baby in the womb.

 It is called quickening. 13th week we can identify the sex. 16th week all the organs will be formed.

And on 20th week mother can feel the movements of the limbs in the womb.

During the third trimester,28th week all the organs and limbs formed very well.

 Even if the premature delivery happens at seventh month the baby can survive with utmost care. 

32nd week the baby will be about 1.5 kg weight.

 On the 36th week the baby will be full grown and weighing about 2.5 kg to 3 kg weight. 

32nd week onward baby will lay head down. 

40th week will be full term and delivery will happen.

Ayurveda texts Ashtanga hrudayam,charaka samhita and sushruth samitha narrated the conception,pregnancy,child birth,diet,lifestyle,medication,hygiene,exercises,sleep,rest,how to manage the complications,post par tum care etc very well about 5000 years ago itself.

Thank you Reading and Sharing my Blogs.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S