Tuesday 29 July 2014

Parkinson Disease - Ayurveda Outlook

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

In Ayurveda it is explained there are eighty types of "vatha rogas" means the diseases occurred due to the deranged wind element of the body.

 Among these eighty types some are completely curable,some can be maintained with medication,proper diet and Lifestyle adjustment. and the rest cannot be cure at all.

The "kampavatha" shows very similar symptoms like Parkinson's Disease.

 Ayurveda demands no cure for this condition.

 But it is getting proven effects on the control of the symptoms. 

Mainly the Parkinson patient shows the shivering of the limbs,stiffness of joints,slurred speech and lately difficulty in swallowing,difficulty in passing motion,convulsive movement of limbs etc.

According to "Ayurveda" the science of life says - all these above said symptoms are ruled by the aggravated and vitiated "vatha dosha" - wind element.

 All the procedures to control and balance the wind element will help to control this disease.

The vitiated wind will cause the constipation,insomnia,dryness of skin and mouth,slowness in speech and movements,shivering limbs etc.

In order to treat this condition we have to give the following diet.

The Diet must be easily digestible,well cocked,which gives unctuousness to the body. 

Prefer soup based dinner,fruit juices,mutton soup,grains having high proteins,  
timely food,mental relaxation,peaceful atmosphere etc.

Avoid or Reduce:
Lentils like yellow Dal,root tubers except carrots,cold items,cold weather,cold shower,frozen food etc whichever will vitiate the wind element in the body. 

Daily oil application on head & body and a warm shower will be appreciated.

The patient must be happy. Yoga will be beneficial for controlling the anxiety.

Internal herbal medication and external oils for head and body can be fixed by a qualified and experienced ayurveda physician after a through and detailed consultation.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing the Blogs on Ayurveda.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S