Monday 28 July 2014

"Oushadam" is not Medicine..!!!

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

The Word Medicine means a chemically derived combination of active principles  which "Kills the Disease" or in other words,it works against a particular virus and attain the relief from a particular Disease.

When the war against a country or a believe or a person,there is a lot of innocent people also affecting. But the point of surrender is faster.

The word "Oshadham" which can be seen in ancient Sanskrit treatises - it means,which is a herb or a combination of herbs grown in the nature and will promote proper functions of the body like Appetite,Motion,Sleep,urination,blood flow,thinking,walking etc.

 which will help to eliminates the impurities from the body,rejuvenate the body,cleanse the body system,attains a healthy body and mind. 
It should not be creating any disease or a unhealthy state of mind and body.

I happen to write this just because these days a number of patients asking " any chance to get any diseases while taking herbal medication".

 They asking this because the lack of knowledge about traditional system of healthy living which come across more than 5000 years.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda


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