Monday 5 December 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Ear ache - Simple Tips

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Ear ache - Simple Tips: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, When you are getting earache when you travel long distance on the window side without cover glass in ...

Sunday 4 December 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : How to Prevent Mouth Ulcer?

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : How to Prevent Mouth Ulcer?: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, How to Prevent Mouth Ulcer? Tips to prevent mouth ulcers or stomatitis. Avoid taking sweets after...

Saturday 3 December 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Pimples (Acne Vulgaris) - Tips to Control

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Pimples (Acne Vulgaris) - Tips to Control: Hello  Readers and My Dear Patients, Today we going to discuss about the pimples. It mostly affecting the Teenagers to middle age group...

Thursday 1 December 2016

Aloe Vera ('Katarvazha') Actions and Uses

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Latin Name: Aloe Vera

Family Name: Lilliacae

Sanskrit Name: Kumari

Malayalam Name: Katarvazha

It is growing about 30 to 60 cms long.

According to Ayurveda;

Rasam: Thiktha and Madhura

Gunam: Guru and Snigdham

Veeryam : Seetham

Actions and Uses:
It is Mild Laxative, Diuretic, Purifying the Blood, Very good effective in Liver Disorders, It strengthen the uterine muscles, helps to control the hernia and also good to control the worm infestation in kids.

Menstrual Pain:
The jelly take out from the leaf 10- 15 ml take it twice daily before breakfast and before dinner.

Abscess on the finger tips:
Make a paste of Aloevera leaf juice with  fresh turmeric and apply over the site.

Stomach ache in Infants:
One teaspoon Aloevera juice warm it, after cooling mix with ¼ teaspoon Honey add one pinch Asafetida to be taken frequently in split doses over the day.
 It is good effective in intestinal worms also.

It is useful in preparing hair oils which promotes hair growth and controls Dandruff.

It is good for the skin, controls the wrinkling of the skin, gives shining and complexion to the skin.

Consult your Ayurveda physician for more details.

For more Ayurveda Health Tips please Google Search; Dr.Xavier Ayurveda Blogs

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Importance of laxatives in Ayurveda treatment

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Importance of laxatives in Ayurveda treatment: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Importance of laxatives in Ayurveda treatment; In most of the Ayurveda prescriptions will have...

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Obesity - Common Reasons

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Obesity - Common Reasons: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Today we discuss about the most common problem the modern world facing these days which is the Over...

Monday 28 November 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Asthma / Allergy / Nasal Polyp - Ayurveda Food & R...

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Sunday 27 November 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Urinary Stone - Simple Tips

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Urinary Stone - Simple Tips: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Today we discuss about a commonly seen problem Urinary Calculus or Kidney stone.  In Ayurveda tex...

Saturday 26 November 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Turmeric - Benefits & Uses

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Turmeric - Benefits & Uses: Turmeric Botanical Name: Curcuma Longa Family Name: Zingiberace Sanskrit Name: Haridra Malayalam Name: Manjal Useful Par...

Friday 25 November 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : "Cheroola" - Medicinal Plants

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