Showing posts with label Medicinal Plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medicinal Plants. Show all posts

Wednesday 14 October 2020

Immunity Boosters - Gooseberry (Nellika)

 Immunity Boosters


Botanical Name: Emblica Officinalis

Family Name: Phyllanthaceae

Sanskrit Name: Amalaki

Malayalam Name: Nellika

Tamil Name: Nellikai

Hindi Name: Amla

Ayurveda Properties

Rasam: Kashaya, Thiktham, Madhuram, Amala.

Gunam: Guru, Rooksham.

Veeryam: Seetham.

Vipaka: Madhura.

Actions & Uses:

Gooseberry got mild Laxative properties when taking in excessive quantity.

It helps to increase the seminal volume.

It works well in conditions like Obesity, Hyperacidity, Diabetes, Hairfall etc.

Gives better vision,cooling effect to the eyes, promotes digestion and boost memory power. 

Bathing water can be boiled with dried gooseberry will help to control the wrinkling of the skin due to aging and also good for preventing skin ailments.

Apply the gooseberry paste on the lower abdomen will help to clear the urinary retension.

Gooseberry powder and Turmeric powder in 6:1 proportion, 10gms mixed with 60 ml hotwater to be taken twice daily before food will help to control the Diabetes.

(consult your Ayurveda Physician before using)

Ayurveda medicines prepared with gooseberry are Chyavanaprasham, Varachoornam, Neelibringadi oil etc.

Gooseberry is a Rasayana medicine.

It will boost the immunity and Rejuvenate the body and mind. It has got the anti-aging properties too.

It contains vitamin C, vitamin B complex, Pectin, Calcium, iron, protein, sugar, carbohydrate, Albumin, cellulose, etc.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.

(Blogs for Interested layman in simple language)

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S

Sunday 4 October 2020

Medicinal Plants - Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum)

 Tulsi (Ocimum Sanctum)

Botanical Name: Ocimum Sanctum

Family Name: Lamiaceae

Malayalam Name: Thulasi

Tamil Name: Tulachi

Hindi Name: Tulasi

It is Commonly called as Holy Basil.

 Seen throughout India.

 It is cultivated for religious purposes and also used for Ayurveda medicine preparations.

This medicinal plant grows upto one meter height.

Ayurveda Properties:

Rasam: Kashayam, Katu, Thiktham

Gunam: Laghu, Rooksham

Veeryam: Ushnam

Vipakam: Katu

Parts Used:

Leaves, Flower and whole plant.

Benefits & Uses:

According to ayurveda it has got anti-pyretic properties, kills intestinal worms, it is diuretic, works as a antidote for poisonous stings.

10ml Tulsi leaf juice mix with one teaspoon honey can be taken thrice daily before food, it will ease the intermittent feverish conditions. And also will help to subside the cough.

In cases of centipede bites - Crush the tulsi leaves along with fresh turmeric make a paste and apply externally on the site repeatedly.

The coconut oil prepared with Tulsi leaf juice is good for treating dandruff.

Tulsi leaves used to treat indigestion,anorexia,loss of appetite,bloating and flatulence.

It is a Natural immunity booster.

Tulsi leaves rich in vitamin A,C,K and zinc.

It has got anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. Hence it boost the immune system.

It help to lowering the blood pressure levels and controls the diabetes.

The crushed tulsi leaves with camphor boil in water is good for steam inhalation to ease the chest congestion during the seasonal pandemic.

Tulsi leaves crushed and boiled with water for 20 minutes, filter it and allow to cool then add a teaspoon of honey can be taken as herbal tea. It is a natural immunity booster.

Thank you for Reading & Sharing my blogs for interested layman in simple language.

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S

Thursday 1 December 2016

Aloe Vera ('Katarvazha') Actions and Uses

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Latin Name: Aloe Vera

Family Name: Lilliacae

Sanskrit Name: Kumari

Malayalam Name: Katarvazha

It is growing about 30 to 60 cms long.

According to Ayurveda;

Rasam: Thiktha and Madhura

Gunam: Guru and Snigdham

Veeryam : Seetham

Actions and Uses:
It is Mild Laxative, Diuretic, Purifying the Blood, Very good effective in Liver Disorders, It strengthen the uterine muscles, helps to control the hernia and also good to control the worm infestation in kids.

Menstrual Pain:
The jelly take out from the leaf 10- 15 ml take it twice daily before breakfast and before dinner.

Abscess on the finger tips:
Make a paste of Aloevera leaf juice with  fresh turmeric and apply over the site.

Stomach ache in Infants:
One teaspoon Aloevera juice warm it, after cooling mix with ¼ teaspoon Honey add one pinch Asafetida to be taken frequently in split doses over the day.
 It is good effective in intestinal worms also.

It is useful in preparing hair oils which promotes hair growth and controls Dandruff.

It is good for the skin, controls the wrinkling of the skin, gives shining and complexion to the skin.

Consult your Ayurveda physician for more details.

For more Ayurveda Health Tips please Google Search; Dr.Xavier Ayurveda Blogs

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.

Dr.T.L.Xavier B.A.M.S

Sunday 3 August 2014

Single Drug Remedies - "Mukuty" - Biophytem Zensitivam

Botanical Name: Biophytem Zensitivum
Family Name:     Geraneaceae
Sanskrit Name:   Alambusha

It is a shrub grows up to 15 cms height.
Small yellow flowers.

Parts Used: whole plant can be used.

Cure for Bleeding Piles:
whole pant including roots and flowers crush and squeeze to get the juice mix with equal quantity of Duck egg white and yolk,blend well add onions and fry take it 14 days every morning continuously. And on those 14 days take a few figs(dry fruit) in the evening.
Avoid taking chicken,eggs,beef and pickle for 14 days.
Drink plenty of thin buttermilk and add more onions in the dishes.
If symptoms persists,consult your ayurveda physician for further medication.