Wednesday 28 September 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Ginger Coffee - How to make?

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Ginger Coffee - How to make?: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Today we will discuss about the Benefits of Ginger Coffee. Benefits of Ginger coffee. The ...

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Rasnadi Choornam - How to Apply? And the Benefits

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Rasnadi Choornam - How it Works?

The Patients with following conditions should apply the ‘Rasnadi Choornam’ daily in the evening or every time just after head bath in the middle of the head; 


Dust allergy,

Bronchial Asthma,

Nasal Polyp,

Septal Deviation,

Allergic Asthma,





and Common Cold.

In these above conditions can avoid the head bath which will help to pacify the symptoms.

Morning and Evening apply one to two pinch of Rasnadi choornam on the middle of the head and sniff the fingers on the nostrils after applying on head.

Where to apply;
One or two pinch Rasnadi choornam to be applied on the middle of the head where the junction of left and right parietal lobes and the frontal lobe of the skull bones,there you can feel a soft skinny area.

 Apply gently for a minute then you can wipe of the hair which look reddish after the application.

Head bath should be reduced in all the illnesses affecting on the head region.

You can feel the difference in the long run,some time you can even stop all the medication for the above said illnesses.

Thank You for Reading and Sharing my Blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.


Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Rasnadi Choornam - How to Apply? And the Benefits

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Rasnadi Choornam - How to Apply? And the Benefits: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Rasnadi Choornam - How it Works? The Patients with following conditions should apply the ‘Rasn...

Sunday 25 September 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Turmeric - Benefits & Uses

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Turmeric - Benefits & Uses: Turmeric Botanical Name: Curcuma Longa Family Name: Zingiberace Sanskrit Name: Haridra Malayalam Name: Manjal Useful Par...

Saturday 24 September 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Weight Reduction Golden Rules

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Weight Reduction Golden Rules: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Weight Reduction Golden Rules AVOID: 1.Sweets 2.Day time Sleep 3.Oily deep fried items ...

Weight Reduction - Points to Remember

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Weight Reduction Golden Rules



2.Day time Sleep

3.Oily deep fried items

4.Diary products

5.Non – Vegetarian food stuff

6.Rice and Rice products

7.Spicy food

8.Eating freequently

9.Sitting Continuously

10.Having Rich in Calorie food stuff.


1.Drink plenty of water

2.Take more vegetables

3.Take more fruits

4.Walk minimum 4 Kms daily

5.Take more fiber rich food stuff

6.Take stomach ful food stuff with low calorie value

7.Sleep only 6 hours in 24 hrs time

8.Take timely food

9.Take 500 ml water just before having food.

10.Wake up early in the morning.

Thank you for Reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda Health Tips.


Friday 23 September 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Viamin D3 - An Outlook

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Viamin D3 - An Outlook: Hello Readers and My Dear Patients, Ayurveda Medicines which helps to elevate the Vitamin D3 level; Sahacharadi Kashayam Rasna Sapt...

Viamin D3 - An Outlook

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Ayurveda Medicines which helps to elevate the Vitamin D3 level;

Sahacharadi Kashayam
Rasna Sapthakam Kashayam
Dasamoola Rasnadi Kashayam
Rasnadi Kashayam
Maharasnadi Kashayam
Amruthotharam Kashayam

These are some of the Ayurveda medicines which can elevate Vitamin D3 and Calcium levels.

Do you think it is not a perfect view?

 Then i am sure yo are a qualified Ayurveda doctor. 

True,according to Ayurveda since more than 5000 years back itself stated that when the ‘vatha’ (the wind element) aggravates in the body it drys up the body fluids in all the tissue levels to major organs and limbs hence resulting the ‘srothorodha’
 (blockages of blood,nerve and energy flow,Aches,Pain,Swelling,Numbness,Burning sensation,constipation,mood swinging,irregular cycles etc.).

 That is what happens in vatha rogas (Rheumatic Complaints). 

In all the vatha rogas the body became incapable to absorb the nutrients from the food and sunlight too.

Vatha rogas  (Rheumatic complaints) can be classified as follows

Sandhigatha Vatha Roga (Rheumatoid Arthritis)

Raktha Vatha (Arthritis)

Ama Vatha ( Rheumatic Fever)

And these three may be appeared in 80 variants.

Another Classification;

Sukha Sadhya, ( can be cured easily in early stages)

Kruchra Sadya,( can be treated with extra efforts)

Yapya ,(can be maintained with regular medications)

Asadya( Cannot be cured at all).

The above said medicines are using for treating the vatha rogas in different stages.

Here we should understand,in all the Rheumatic complaints there may have the deficiency of Vitamin E,Vitamin D3,Calcium etc.

According to Ayurveda, it is proved 5000 years back itself stated Vatha the balanced wind element functions the thinking,walking,movements,digestion and controls all functions of parasympathetic nervous system.

 When it imbalances affecting the entire system of the body including the vitamin absorption too.

So in vatha rogas (wind disorders) we should treat the basic root cause at the earliest in proper way with its due course of time.

 As it is a chronic condition it take time to spread and will take time reverse.  Just only by supplementing the vitamins the disease wont be cured.

On a sunny day just wearing a sun glass may reduce the intensity of the sunbeam.

 But we shouldn’t say it’s became Night.

Once we remove the glass the sun will be remain the same.

Ayurveda says we should treat the root cause especially in major chronic conditions properly otherwise the disease will spread joint to joint slowly.

Your comments always appreciated. 

Thank you for Reading and Sharing.


Thursday 22 September 2016

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Why Should Say 'No' to Heavy Food Stuff..

Ayurveda;The Way of Life : Why Should Say 'No' to Heavy Food Stuff..: Hello Readers and Patients, Today again we discuss about the diet; you might noticed in my previous blogs whenever i suggest the diet f...

Why Should Say 'No' to Heavy Food Stuff..

Hello Readers and Patients,

Today again we discuss about the diet; you might noticed in my previous blogs whenever i suggest the diet for a patient or a particular condition i used to suggest to avoid the heavy food stuff.

Here we look into the details.

First of all let me explain what is happening in our body when our metabolism is irregular.

 When we feel the symptoms like,heaviness of the body,aches and pains,mild swelling on the joints,puffiness of face,chillness,tastelessness or bitterness in mouth,head ache,feverish,loss of appetite,cough,phlegm accumulation in the chest or head region,morning or evening rise of temperature in any or more conditions explained above will have the low digestive power as an associated symptom.

According to Ayurveda view;
 in the above said conditions the ‘kapha dosha’ or ‘vatha dosha’ will be deranged and the ‘ pitha dosha’  will be less.

 That means the fire element in the body became feeble and wind and water elements aggravated.

 When the fire element or ‘pitha dosha’ will be less in such stage the digestion will be low due to the lack of fire energy.

 Ayurveda texts the fire energy is called as ‘jataragni’.

 Here digesting the food,elimination of waste through sweat,urine and stools,absorption of fine product these process will be sluggish.

On top of it if we take heavy food stuff like;
meat,fish,diary products,oily deep fried items,junk food,cold items,sweets etc will make the condition worse.

 Not only that there is chance for developing an internal inflammatory condition all over the body which will aggravate the symptoms of the respective diseases.

Another fact is that with a low digestive power the week potent herbal decoctions won’t absorb properly.

 So we should avoid taking heavy food stuff and we should prefer everything light,easily digestible and should be well cooked.

I would like to add one more word – there is a myth that is we should not take the non-vegetarian food along with the herbal decoctions.

I hope the above clarification is enough to clear the confusion.

Thank you for Reading and sharing my blogs and please be the part of spreading Ayurveda.