Showing posts with label The difference in the principles of Modern medicine and Ayurveda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The difference in the principles of Modern medicine and Ayurveda. Show all posts

Wednesday 24 September 2014

The difference in the principles of Modern medicine and Ayurveda.

Hello Readers,

The difference in the principles of Modern medicine and Ayurveda.

Ayurveda stands for the prevention and maintenance of the Health as well as to treat the disease condition of a person.

 And also there is parallel branches like 'vruksha ayurveda' and 'mruga ayurveda' in order to treat the plants and the animals respectively.

The preventive and maintenance methods of 'ayurveda' coming under the branch called ‘swasthavrutham’ and treating the disease conditions under the ‘athura vrutham’
'Swasthavrutham' explains about when to wake up,how to do the morning ablutions,oil application,exercises,bath,how to behave,how to live in the community amicably and lead a peaceful life.

 The diet and lifestyle according to the weather changes,precautions to be taken care during different seasons,how to treat the common ailments due to the influence of the seasonal changes etc.

Ayurveda says prevention is better than cure.

‘Athuravrutham’ explains the properties of the life forces,how it influence our body,different symptoms when it aggravates,decreases and how it will be when balanced.

 How to treat the various stages of vitiation of the life forces. 

The five fold cleansing methods etc. and also the benefits of cleansing treatment or ‘panchakarma’ therapy.

In ayurveda not treating the disease but treating the body,cleansing,rejuvenating and hence improving the immunity of a person.

 It is not the treatment method but a lifestyle.

 We have to practice it for life time,should know the dos and don’ts,different body type etc.

In modern medicine we find out the disease and name it.

 And treating that particular disease condition with chemically derived combinations which gives fast relief but many cases gives rise to the side effects.

 The modern medicine developed a lot in last few decades as it gives quick results.

 In this fast moving life schedule many are forced to depend the modern system of medications. 

The after effects neglected usually.

 In a cardiac emergency or in a accident case such acute conditions the modern medicine can be done a lot.

But people turning to ayurveda for the chronic conditions like Rheumatic problems,skin diseases,asthmatic conditions,Diabetes,Piles,Kidney stones,infertility,acidity,migraine,sinus,allergies,gynecological disorders and many lifestyle problems can be sort out with ayurveda support.

 Ayuveda says live harmony with the nature then the disease is no more.

During the ayurveda consultation the physician studies the nature of the body type,dominant life fores,imbalanced states etc from the symptoms. 

For analyzing a patient ayurveda using tools like ‘darshana,sparshana and prashana’ means by seeing the patient,by touch and by asking questions to the patient.

Here is a brief about the difference in the views of ayurveda and modern medicine.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blog.

(Blogs for interested layman in simple language)