Saturday 1 July 2017

Ayurveda Online Lessons by Dr.T.L.Xavier

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today we will discuss about the normal characteristic properties of the 'Vatha Dosha' or the wind element. 

In the Ayurveda Text 'Ashtanga Hrudayam' Soothrasthanam, Acharya Vagbhata narates about the properties of the vatha dhosha which means the element as follows..

"....thathra rooksho laghu sheetha khara sookshma chalo anila...."

It is the Sanskrit slogan which means,
it creates dryness
it is very light
it is having cold potency
it creates hardness
it is very minute so it can penetrate in easily
and it is always moving.

These are the properties of the wind element which is the nature. So it creates the relevant changes and influences in the body also.
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