Saturday 3 September 2016

Lower Back Ache - Tips to Control

Hello Readers and my Patients,

Today i just want to mention about a wonderful single drug remedy for the Lower Back Pain.

As i said in my previous blogs the constipation and piles will enhance the blockage for the energy flow around the waist muscles,sacral and Lumbar bones at the Back.

 So the pain will be aggravating in such conditions.

The following Remedy will help to pacify the condition up to a certain extend.

 You can also try it out and feel the change,share your experience in your circle.

Castor oil + vitex nigundo leaf juice (nirgundi swarasam)

Castor Oil 5 - 10 ml ( it is a mild herbal laxative) add 30 ml tender leaf juice of ‘Nirgundy’ plant(Sanskrit). 

English Name is ‘Vitex nigundo’ and Malayalam name is ‘Karinochi’. 

Stir well to mix both castor oil and tender leaf juice,it should be taken early morning in empty stomach continuously for 21 days.

As it is a laxative you get 2- 3 times bowel movements in the morning.

 You can adjust the dosage of castor oil.

 You may feel slight stomach ache while taking this mixture,then you drink hot water gulp by gulp in frequent intervals.

You can also apply the castor oil warm with camphor and asafetida(Hingu or Kayam) on the lumbar area at the lower back.

These applications will be enough to pacify the severity of pain. 

For further management consult your physician.

Thank You for reading and Sharing my blogs on Ayurveda health tips.