Friday 24 June 2016

How should we Eat our food?

Hello Readers and my Dear Patients,

How should  we Eat our food?

This question has got the relevance at this period of time.

In Ayurveda texts explain what should we eat,when we should eat,type of food and many more..

According to ayurveda we should eat the food in a calm and clean place,should take food in time.
Ayurveda science suggesting two meals in a day once early in the morning and the next one should be in the evening.

 And also giving the following directions to have the food.

Should not talk while eating,
Should not take faster,
Should not be very slow,
Should not sleep just after having food,
Should not walk,run ,climib steps or travel  just after food
And also tells that,we should smell the food,we have to touch and see the food.

 By the smell itself our digestive glands secrets the saliva,by touching and seeing we can identify the food the quality,quantity, whether it is suitable for our body or not etc.

We should not eat frequently,
Should not walk while eating,
Should not watch TV when eating.

We should pray before eating,should thank God for getting the food for our survival.

The quantity should be one third of our stomach volume in order to have one portion for the food,one portion for the water and one portion should be left for air.

We should chew the food very well in the mouth till it gets liquid form and the saliva will be mixed well. 

It will enhance the complete digestion and absorption of the food.

 Then we will be enjoy the food ,we should feel the taste hence we will have the satisfaction too.
When we chew the food and gives enough time in the mouth it will be better for the proper ‘dhathu parinama’.

Thank you for reading and sharing my blogs.