Wednesday 21 May 2014

Back Pain - Role of "Dosha" vitiation

Hello Readers,
Toady i just want to mention about the Role of Dosha Vitiation in Back Pain treatment according to Ayurveda.

In the Back Pain condition the dosha vitiation or the level we have to consider  for the panchakarma therapy are mainly the "Vatha Dosha","Kapha Dosha" or the both Vatha and Kapha.
So definitely there will be the blockage of the normal energy flow either due to the excess kapha dosha (which corresponding the fat and muscle tissues) or the excess vatah dosha (which creates the dryness leads to the srotho rodham

Kapha vitiated condition:

Here in this case there will be over weight,poor exercises,heavy rich food intake,excess sleep,having much non-vegetarian food,sweets,diary products,oily fried etc.

Hence it resulting the compression of nerves,disc prolapse,disc bulge etc.

Vatha vitiated condition: 

Here,the patient may be lean,lac of sleep,constipation,bloating,gas trouble,short temperament, stressful,nervousness,poor concentration,taking more root tubers,lentils,col items etc. 

And may tend to get stiffness,aches and pains,numbness on limbs,degenerative changes in the cervical and lumbar spines.
The above said are the very basic theories about ayurveda. Need to discuss a lot about.
See you later, bye for now.
Thank you.