Friday 6 December 2013

How the aggravated Wind element Creates the Disease?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

The Peculiar characteristics of the wind element are as follows....

Wind element is the most active element in the universe as well as in the human body.

 It is playing the major role in all the living beings.

It is very Rough,Light,Cold,Hard,Minute and always Moving.

In "ashtangahrudayam" it is told in sanskrit language as below - 

"Thathra rooksha laghu seetha khara sookshma chalo anila".

That is, the wind element which controlling the entire universe,all the movements or transformation from one stage to the other is happening by the proper functioning of the wind element only.

 In sanskrit it is called as the Vatha.

When we wash the clothes and put it out for drying, that drying is happening due to the wind.

 When the wind blows on the water particles getting evaporated and the clothes getting dry.

Same way in our human body also when the wind element aggravates it creates a kind of dryness in all the levels from small small tissues, cells and even the synovial fluids in the joints of the body.

 Lately it causing the degeneration of the bones,loosing the tone of the muscles,wasting of the muscles,dry skin,developing the stiffness of the joints.

According to modern views we may call this condition as Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteo Arthritis.

Hence resulting the Disc bulge,Protrusions,Disc herniation, Compression etc of the vertebral bones.

And also in case of joints the aggravated wind directly or indirectly resulting the conditions like Spondylitis,Lumbago,Writers cramp,Tennis elbow,paraplegia etc are some of the examples.

Hello guys just visualize what i told here and give me your feed backs and valuable comments too,we will discuss further,till then bye.

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Thank you for reading and sharing.

 Good day to you.

Dr.T.L.Xavier  B.A.M.S