Monday 18 November 2013

Stock Trading Strategy on SBI scrip

Hello my trading friends,

At last i found my own effective way to succeed on the intra day trading.

I used to buy on dips and selling on minimum profits,but lately i found this method taking much time like holding,value averaging etc.

Lately my broker suggested me this new method (new for me) and i found its very coool and tension free than the other.

Now i am setting the RSI 20 and 80,then on an uptrending market i used buy when ever it touches 20 mark and selling on a decent profit.

And on a down trending market day i wait till it reaches on 80 mark then i am short selling then covering on  decent profits.
 Beginning of this month onward i used to play this style and  getting good profits comparatively.

I am also putting the Bollinger Band for a support and sometime MACD also.

But mainly rely on RSI. It is very simple guys try and see and your feed back also.

Thank you so much.