Wednesday 6 February 2013

Sunny day....

Hello Readers,

 This morning i get up early as usual,then after my morning ablutions got the news paper-theses days it is happened to be very curious about the hot news around.

And i was going through the paper,i was sipping the mug full of Coffee, after that i  dressed up  quickly then came into my office started some paper works made some notes regarding the yesterdays work done,it is my usual practice every morning i update my data of my last days work schedule.

Yesterday was a really busy day,a number of consultations and at last we gone out with family to attend a dance show done by a dance school from London it was really a remarkable .

 Really enjoyed we were watching first time of this kind. Then we gone for dine out it was also a new style. Usually when we go out we have the dinner from out,yesterday we tried a new take away shop.

 Very tasty food they were serving but unfortunately it got chilled because we were late after the show.

We bought one portion of Mushroom and one portion kadai chicken. Also bought some bread. It was very light but we enjoyed.

It was a very tiring day fro me as there was a lot of consultations since the morning. Around 10pm i had a course of beer and slept well.

Thank god,today no much consultations,i still have to pay my instalment for the chits. I am not worried it will come its own way on time as i got a weak ahead.

I am always wandering to find out some thing new...ya its true,i want to do it in a different   way.

 ha...ha...its my style,not only that then only i can be happy,lately i want to dream about the past and future then i will get a smile. 

Its coffee time,will join you with more stuff.