Showing posts with label ayurveda oil application. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ayurveda oil application. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 October 2014

How to apply the oil on head and Why?

Hello Readers and my Dear Patients,

Many of my patients were keep on asking this question,how to apply the oil on head and why?
So today i am going to brief about it.

 My highly respectful ‘Guru’ Padmabooshan Sri.E.T.Narayanan Mooss used to prescribe the head oil application as follows; 

Daily in the evening after 5pm,one teaspoon of prescribed head oil to be poured into an already heated ladle stir to cool and to be applied on the middle of the head,wait for half an hour then wiped of with a dry cloth.

 Head bath can be done in the morning twice in a week with Luke warm water.

This is the method he usually prescribe,he is suggesting that because after the head oil application, the head should not get sweat.

 So he advise to do it in the evening.

 Should not take bath but wipe of with dry cloth which leave a light smear of oil kept over night,it enhances the absorption of the oil for better results.

 But very rarely the patients get inflammation on cheeks when doing like this. 

He allows the patient to wash the head daily in case of psoriasis patches on the head or severe dandruff with itching and scaling.

According to the job and other situations many of the working class patients cannot follow this method strictly.

 So i suggest my patients to apply and wash it with Luke warm water either in the morning or in the evening.

 Head should not wash twice daily.

 Should not take head bath when  hot sun .

 Patients with Rheumatic conditions and inflammatory stage inside the body, better to reduce head bath to twice or thrice in a week. 

Especially patients with Spondilitis,sinus problems,migraine,eye diseases,allergic asthma etc.
In the Ayurveda text ‘Ashtangahrudayam’ says that oil application should be practiced daily especially on the head region,ears and on the feet for a healthy person.

Because the 107 vital points originates from the head to the soles ,when we apply the oil at the origin and at the end part, it reflects on the entire body.And the head is considered as the ‘uthmangam’ (important center of nervous system),the proper functioning of hearing is happening by the activity of wind element which is seated at the ears and the feet is also the seat of wind element (vatha sthanam).

 The basic property of oils are pacify the wind element or ‘vatha dosha’.

 So in order to protect and maintain the balanced wind element in the body oil application is very necessary on the Daily basis.

There is range of oils which prescribed by Ayurveda doctors depending upon the patient’s body type,age,gender ,symptoms and illnesses.

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