Showing posts with label Heavy food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heavy food. Show all posts

Sunday 12 October 2014

Why should say 'No' to heavy food stuff ?

Hello Readers and My Dear Patients,

Today again we discuss about the diet; you might noticed in my previous blogs whenever i suggest the diet for a patient or a particular condition i used to suggest to avoid the heavy food stuff.
Here we look into the details.

First of all let me explain what is happening in our body when our metabolism is irregular.

 When we feel the symptoms like,heaviness of the body,aches and pains,mild swelling on the joints,puffiness of face,chillness,tastelessness or bitterness in mouth,head ache,feverish,loss of appetite,cough,phlegm accumulation in the chest or head region,morning or evening rise of temperature in any or more conditions explained above will have the low digestive power as an associated symptom.

According to Ayurvedic view; in the above said conditions the ‘kapha dosha’ or ‘vatha dosha’ will be deranged and the ‘ pitha dosha’  will be less.

 That means the fire element in the body became feeble and wind and water elements aggravated.

 When the fire element or ‘pitha dosha’ will be less in such stage the digestion will be low due to the lack of fire energy.

 Ayurveda texts the fire enegry is called as ‘jataragni’.

 Here digesting the food,elimination of waste through sweat,urine and stools,absorption of fine product these process will be sluggish.

On top of it if we take heavy food stuff like;meat,fish,diary products,oily deep fried items,junk food,cold items,sweets etc will make the condition worse.

 Not only that there is chance for developing an internal inflammatory condition all over the body which will aggravate the symptoms of the respective diseases.

 And another fact is that with a low digestive power the light potent herbal concoctions won’t absorb properly.

 So we should avoid taking heavy food stuff and we should prefer everything light,easily digestible and should be well cooked.

I would like to add one more word – there is a myth that is we should not take the non-vegetarian food along with the herbal concoctions,i hope the above clarification is enough to clear the confusion.

Thank you for Reading and sharing my blogs and please be the part of spreading Ayurveda.